Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Harvesting the Crop The Chaste Verdict of Neglige Lyrics

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Artist: Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio Author
Song Title: Harvesting the Crop The Chaste Verdict of Neglige
Visits: 603
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The story of kings' and their kingdoms', is herewith about to be told;
Of strife and political govern, and the anguish to be overthrown
One kingdom was gleaming and golden, its castle was built out of strain;
It was ruled by a merciful monarch, who's justice was widely acclaimed
Elected to power by voting, by his fellowmen that he had been;
A prospering nation of justice, where each owned as much as their kin
The other domain was of silver, its regent was righteous and grand;
He governed his kingdom by justice; and rendered his ruling by hand
The monarch had come into power; by seizing his govern by force;
He considered himself to be able, and by cunning he managed his course

Each kingdom prevailed independent, their riches continued to grow;
But then came a sudden disaster, of drought that obstructed the growth
Starvation was sudden and heartless, for the king in the golden domain;
He had labored his folk for the kingdom, convoking their goods and their grains
But the people he reigned were neglected, and the virtue of personal gain;
And soon he was stranded with nothing, but the cast of a social charade
The kingdom of silver and marble, was likewise affected by drought;
But merely in petty proportions, as govern was slightly unlike.
The people had land that they planted, to nourish themselves and their king;
Profusion was not for the kingdom, but earnings for personal strain

The people of silver had plenty, preserved since the time of excess;
Diverse to the folk who had nothing, who's earnings had mothered distress
He pleaded, he begged and he bellowed; that his neighbors should part with their gain;
And contribute avail for his people, the king of the golden domain
The people considered his motives, but seemly rejected his plea;
They replied that the rate of survival, was an issue for nature to deem
The king was provoked by this answer, and shortly resolved to wage war;
In attempt to ensure his persistence, and the life of his people of course
But the force he unearthed was brutal, and too meager he was his cause;
Let nature decide who is able, or be reckoned for judgement by force

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