Orgy - Blue Monday Lyrics

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Artist: Orgy
Orgy Author
Album: Candyass (1998)
Orgy - Candyass Album
Song Title: Blue Monday
Genre: Metal
Visits: 792
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How does it feel
to treat me like you do
when you've laid your hands upon me
and told me who you are
I thought I was mistaken
I thought I heard your words
Tell me how do I feel
Tell me now how do I feel

How does it feel
How should I feel
Tell me how does it feel
To treat me like you d

Those who vame before me
lived through their vacations
from the past until completion
they'll turn away no more
and I still find it so hard
to say what I need to say
but I'm quite sure that you'll tell me
just how I should feel today

I see a ship in the harbor
I can and shall obey
but if it wasn't for your misfortunes
I'd be a heavenly person today
and I thought I was mistaken
and I thought I heard you speak
Tell me how do I feel Tell me now how should I feel

Now I stand here waiting

I thought I told you to leave me
When I walked down to the beach
Tell me how does it feel
When you heart grows cold

How does it feel
How should I feel
Tell me how does it feel
To treat me like you do

How does it feel
How should I feel
Tell me how does it feel
To treat me like you do

How does it feel
How should I feel
Tell me how does it feel
To treat me like you do

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Other Orgy song Lyrics
  • Social Enemies
    "Social weapons that miss
    pretend them to save
    cowards, bastards to shame
    condemned social slaves..."
  • Stitches
    "If it stayed I'd never leave it if that turned around
    I'd grieve the special dirty things that we used to talk about
    I mean that loving you is strange and adored by me throughout, oh no it's you again
    Someday soon you'll find that someone waiting for the chance to beat you..."
  • Dissention
    "found out you're really something
    they talk about you
    then turned your confidence
    against you now into nothing..."
  • Platinum
    "you can't escape what makes you tragic you know
    vicious 'cause you want to be
    leaving time possessed to please you
    what might have been was never the way you envisioned things..."
  • Fetisha
    "Fe Tish A
    Glow all of you made for those little sick ones
    PLayed out in Super drag
    Mistreat another piece of you..."
  • Fiend
    "what's behind your painted face
    can you see the real pig in the mirror
    revenge you breed i hate your skeletons
    begging to get out..."
  • Gender
    "i wish i was infinate
    and given my way
    i'd be so fucking cool
    when i'm feeling the rush..."
  • All The Same
    "no, no, no x8
    you think it's all the same
    but i want you to believe
    i could be so like you..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Candyass" album, click "Orgy Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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