Origin - Implosion Of Eternity Lyrics

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Artist: Origin
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Album: Informis Infinitas Inhumanitas (2002)
Origin - Informis Infinitas Inhumanitas Album
Song Title: Implosion Of Eternity
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 649
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New beginning, thrust into our new consciousness, final ending
All reversing, infinity is uncoiling, how can this be?
Unwound eternity
The air is gone, atmosphere evaporated, all lungs explode, still, life has not ceased
Unthought process, ripping through the whole universe
The stars all gone, consumed forever more

Silent, yet thunder tears through me, no light or sound to find my way
If I could feel, I'd die of fear, no emotion to explain anything that's happening

Narration of what's unfolding, everything is now imploding
Past and future, time and space is now nothing and never was galaxies are vaporizing great volumes reduced to nothing
History of any world not even a memory
Past and future, time and space is returning to its origin

I have become one with everything that has existed, then reduced to nothing,
Universal point of no light, infinity now waits, eternally to be reborn
As it's born, it will die, endless cycle of creation

Between nothing, we leap into what we know
The births and deaths of all there is will recycle endlessly
Between infinity is what we have known for all to be

Compressed, unwound, pleasure, torture, all at one point
The past, future, conquered for us, back to the start

Light returns, ever slowly dim, then winks out
Every time it grows brighter, then it's snuffed out
Color bleeds into voids of black, reappears
Soon the void blinds what I can see, I'm reborn

Nothing is what it once was, light is dark
Inverted, so confusing, backward is forward now
Proceed in disarray, get nowhere, yet achieve all that I wish
Conquer worlds and all tings back and forth
The universe, it respirates and dies to give birth again,
though nothing is the same

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Other Origin song Lyrics
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    "See and observe, written in these words, sick and absurd
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  • Origin
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    Out of the dark, into the light, luck and a chance
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  • Mental Torment
    "Consume my thought, rupture my being
    Devour my soul, mentally bleeding, what has this done to me?
    Live with this trauma, torment
    Actions, words, forever immortalized, mistakes, regrets..."
  • Manimal Instincts
    "You are helpless to me, hunting my prey, smelling my blood
    I am hungry you see, nothing to eat, stomach empty
    Your poor victim to be, take your clothes off, give yourself up
    I am physically stronger than you, what can you do?..."
  • Infliction
    "My life's scars run so deep, deep as in before birth
    Some things just won't ever change, feed myself some more pain
    Bad memories of childhood corrupting innocence
    Not teaching me, misleading me, leaving me on my own..."
  • Disease Called Man
    "The beginning, disorder of the earth, deadly disease called man
    Epidemic of our inheritance, monstrosity, mankind
    Start of the end, death by capacity, like a virus, killing
    Humanity living in consequence, parasitic leeches..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Informis Infinitas Inhumanitas" album, click "Origin Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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