Originoo Gunn Clapazz - The Big Ohh Lyrics

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Artist: Originoo Gunn Clapazz
Song Title: The Big Ohh
Visits: 602
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[top dog big kahuna]
Is it the big ohh, or is it gon' be no?
Let me tell you one thing, d-o ain't trickin no dough
At a show, shorties wanna meet me at the mo'
Askin mad questions about the dough i hold
Hold on baby, don't even go that route
Because the money, that i'll make you don't need to know foul
Cuz the thing change, and all the talkin stops here
Just lay your back down, and take off your underwear
Who cares, it's your bras and panties, they ain't matchin
Yo what's the rules? you have to leave if the ohh ain't happenin
Yo, why you laughin, you won't be laughin
If you standin in front of room,
They clear to get your punk ass maskin

Only mess wit the girls that sharin (sharon), they nickname carin (karen)
Known from the big butt and the tight jean wearin
Also big breasts, always comin to my rest
While i cores they chest, and they suck me off next
Easily place in the mouth, like a grape from a tree
But she can't eat it, she must suck it, like a sweet lolli
I know that's a hobby, i met her in a lobby
Lookin good, beautiful self, bad ass body

Yo it's goin out to nicole, out in new jerz
To my girl keisha, out in d.c.
It's all about the girls, girls, girls, girls
Spark them some o.g.c.
And it's going out to wendy, out in l.a.
Going out to tasha, out in tennessee
It's all about the girls, girls, girls, girls
Bob marley spliffs and hennecy

[starang wondah]
It was me and hennyville in the starang mobile
On my way uptown, pumpin the new dru hill
I couldn't rush it, turn to hennyville, bust this
Seen reese in tight jeans, doin her ass no justice
Her mother gaspin, right where the restaurant

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  • Da Storm
    "motherfuckers better act like they know
    i can be as good as da best the rest, and be as bad as the worst
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  • Danjer
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