Osi - ShutDOWN Lyrics

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Artist: Osi
Osi Author
Album: Office of Strategic Influence (cd1) (2003)
Osi - Office of Strategic Influence (cd1) Album
Song Title: ShutDOWN
Genre: Rock
Visits: 880
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Shutdown your body shutdown your skin. Shutdown your kisses shutdown within. Shutdown your feelings shutdown your tongue. Shutdown your dreaming mind shutdown your love. Shutdown your anger shutdown your precious time. Shutdown you loser shutdown your little mind. Shutdown your letters shutdown your voice. Shutdown your phone calls shutout the noise. Shutdown the freezone shutdown your breath. Shutdown your hormones wild shutdown your sex. Shutdown your anger shutdown your precious time. Shutdown you loser shutdown your little mind. I gave a promise but it's just not enough for you. I lied and cheated and betrayed all my trust for you. I ripped my heart out threw it down on the bed for you. I crawled away and hid in shadows and dust for your love. Woke up and I wanted to make you my harbour (cold light bleeding through the closed blinds deep the quicksand cage the soft hands). Made up but the moment dies (her breath threading the still night kiss the cold lips make the time slip). Cut me down and throw me out. Shut me down and fade me out. Spaced out and I touch you to make myself calmer (cold light bleeding through the closed blinds deep the quicksand cage the soft hands). You smile but the moment dies (her breath threading the still night kiss the cold lips make the time slip). Cut me down and throw me out. Shut me down and fade me out.

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Other Osi song Lyrics
  • OSI
    "Hate it when the truth unravels hate it when we don't get a spin hate it when the enemy travels 'cause it's awfully un-american. Ain't no use in asking why to tell the truth we're OSI. We're helping you to hire us to help ourselves. We're serious.

  • When Youre Ready
    "Hey! You in the car! Hey we're gonna need that you know who we are we're gonna take the house we're going up the hill and when we get there you know that we will, so when you all are ready. Hey! You in the tank! Hey we're gonna need that you know who to tank we're gonna take the house we're going up the hill and we're gonna need that you know that we will, so when you all are ready. Before you close the door behind you check your fine tune.

  • Head
    "I think you've got it alright in your Head yeah I think you got it alright in your Head. There's something pretty fucked up with your conscience but I'd say you got it alright in your Head. I ain't gonna shut down all my windows I ain't gonna shut down like before. Got another flag here says my mailman maybe someone stole yours from your door?

  • Hello, Helicopter!
    "Well at least this time you were right and you had the good sense to give up yeah when others there might of hung in so just nobody touch me I know what I'm doing. Can I destroy that for you ma'am? Can I destroy that for you, mister? It looks good on you it looks good on you but these things look better broken. Hello, Helicopter! Well I hope this time we were right 'cause it looks a little worse every day there's another one flying tonight and I hope it don't make it I know what we're doing.
    Can I destroy that for you ma'am? Can I destroy that for you, mister? It looks good on you it looks good on you but these things look better broken. Hello Helicopter!

  • Memory Daydreams Lapses
  • Standby (Looks Like Rain)
    "So you sold me out so you sold your brother out again. The sun shines all the time and my grass is always green and people don't seem to mind when I don't say what I mean. >From this far away it kind of looks like rain get black inside it's coming down. Now let me ask everyone to just standby for a moment here. Here are the marks. Good. It may look good it certainly feels unnatural. From this far away it kind of looks like rain get black inside its coming down.

  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Office of Strategic Influence (cd1)" album, click "Osi Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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