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Matrimony Song Lyrics
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Other OSullivan Gilbert song Lyrics | Alone Again Naturally "In a little while from now, If I'm not feeling any less sour, I promised myself, to treat myself, And visit a nearby tower ............." | Get Down "Told you once before And I won't tell you no more Get down, get down, get down You're a bad dog baby..." | NOTHING RHYMED "If I give up the seat I've been saving To some elderly lady or man Am I being a good boy Am I your pride and joy..." | Whats In A Kiss "WHAT'S IN A KISS GILBERT O'SULLIVAN - 1980 What's in a kiss Have you ever wondered just what it is..." | Clair "Clair The moment I met you, I swear. I felt as if something, somewhere, Had happened to me,..." | Out Of The Question "One minute you say you will And the next you won't One minute you want me And the next you don't..." | Who Was It "Who was it that caught you falling, and put you back on your feet? And who was it that tripped you anyway, in order that the two of us would meet?..." | January Git "I still believe in Sunday as being a day of rest And maybe it's because I'm an Irishman That I like Dublin best Still whose who are you to tell me I'm alright Fred..." | |
...Show All | if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Very Best of Gilbert O'Sullivan" album, click "OSullivan Gilbert Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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