Otep - Germ Lyrics

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Artist: Otep
Otep Author
Album: Jihad (2001)
Otep - Jihad Album
Song Title: Germ
Genre: Rock: Hard-Rock
Visits: 1180
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the enemy of the world
our greatest defeat
slave warfare
our wings are almost dry and free
absorbing violence [pain]
punishing pain
poetry is the perfume of the soul [no fear, no god, alternate staces take me
places, the world, enemy]
nightmare babies, fire gods
speaking of dream time serpants
and walking with the elder dead
fear me mortal [fear me]
fear me
feed my disease
feed my disease [the taste of fear in the seventh phase of the disease]
and in tiny little houses
on tiny little streets [everythings normal, everythings not ok, it's normal]
voices raise and[as long as you're under my roof you will respect me]
fear is alive [as long as you're under my roof you will respect me]
and laughter
he's knows tolerance [don't forget me]
she only knows lonliness [not you, not you, not you]
and in my blackness of sleep
savages dance and scream
but only truth is suffering
bleeding like embryos [but only truth is suffering]
starving with dreams [life, blood]
you, single cell are commerse
whoa, what happened to you last night?
you've given up without a fight
and learned the words thay say receit
you killed the flower that blossoms in the night
smothered and crushed
rage gives way to a little giggle and sudden blush
and in my molecules, the vast eternity of invention [can you smell my fever
mama? can you smell my poor veins?]
infected with the good disease
intellect, rebellion
finding the need in every single one
...of you
what's a matter you don't like it when i touch you?
come here
don't run, don't run
hand me babies and nightmare gods
i will shed my skin [but i can't get his sins off of me]
he prefers pain to pretty
death to daughter
to the shivering creature that lay beneath him
i will not be want you want me to be
i will not be want you want me to be [nothings changed, go away, go away]
people are evil and girls hate each other
oh great devour of the dead
i will know my demons names
i will conquer them
i will rise [rise]
i will...fight
this is my holy war
we come to you like desert warriors
fresh from the cool dew of night
in a sea of odor
in a tapestry of pain
absorbing violence
feasting on hopelessness
expand your mind
expand your mind
this is our time to shine [our time to shine, our time for justice]
and out of the ashes
only the holy will rise
sweet paper messiah [die]
sweet paper messiah
how i sacrifice you, i sacrifice you [save me, save me]
dear, sweet paper messiah [save me, save me, save me, save me]
my offering
my suffering [i speak to you on behalf of all of mankind]
whatever you need
what...ever you need
whatever you...
whatever you need

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Other Otep song Lyrics
  • Possession
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  • The Lord Is My Weapon
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    say what you need to, save your soul
    but don't fuck with me,
    i'm loosin' control..."
  • Fillthee
    "lying naked alone
    on the bathroom floor
    i keep waiting?
    pain, fear..."
  • TRIC
    "to all u weak mcs.... all u hardcore wannabe'z
    me be the best to impress with dictation?
    too far fetched? beyond your imagination?
    i'll rise to the occasion launching an invasion..."
  • Tortured
    "and eye was like 13
    and it was a Sunday morning eye think
    eye think both my parents were still asleep..."
  • Blood Pigs
    eye'm sorry
    eye'm ugly
    all that i am..."
  • My Confession
    "my confession
    because eye'm diluted
    perfectly flawed..."
  • Sacrilege
    "resurrection .. is for those ..
    say whut u need to save your soul..."
  • ...Show All
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