OutKast - Knowing Lyrics

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Artist: OutKast
OutKast Author
Song Title: Knowing
Genre: Hip-Hop
Visits: 647
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Brothers on the block knowing
(from this point on it only gets rougher!)
Sisters at the crib knowing
(from this point on it only gets rougher!)
Preachers at the church knowing, we still get by
(from this point on it only gets rougher!)
Teachers at the school knowing
(from this point on it only gets rougher!)
Ladies on the block knowing
(from this point on it only gets rougher!)
Junkies on the corner knowing, but still get high
(from this point on it only gets rougher!)

[Big Boi]
Well here's a formal introduction
Something to make you ponder
The situation's ugly, like "In Living Color"'s Wanda (word up!)
Well everybody play dumb, but there's some that succumb
And fall victim, I will overcome any hurdle or obstacle that's in my path
Fast cash should be the last resort so make it last for the risk you took
Trick, you shook your ass for some hundred dollar heels and a designer bag
Now that's ass backwards
All you got in the refrigertator is bratwurst
Your stomach is balled in a knot, you got that phat purse
Pocketbook, stop and look, pockets look void
Destroyed by the need to indulge and enjoy the finer things in life right?
Your dignity, your only sacrifice, slim as your chances of being somebody's wife
They seeing ya butt, booty naked every night, ain't nothing right or wrong!


[Big Boi]
Even though things started falling apart
Wanda went and bought a Honda
Now she's out of a job, she would slob on a knob
For a little less than a yard, a massage you could drill her like a sarge
She would charge and rob
Pick through yo' pockets
She got the tricks watcha nd the silver locket
That he bought for his wife but

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  • Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik
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  • Call Of Da Wild
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    I'll be comin around the ghetto when I come kickin one for the treble
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  • Players Ball
    "Scene was so thick low rides seventy seven Sevilles
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    Black man heaven yah know what i'm saying? Peace..."
  • Claimin True
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    Let me take you on a funky ride
    All around the world
    And ahh if you let me give inside your mind..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Speakerboxxx" album, click "OutKast Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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