Outlandish - Fatimas Hand Lyrics

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Artist: Outlandish
Song Title: Fatimas Hand
Visits: 1625
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Fatima is 21
And around here ? when your 21
u gotta start thinking about getting a man
getting a son ? getting it done
just like her mom when she was 21
but even though Fatima's not ready for it
she not gonna say some
she feels she gotta do this for the parents
cuz they've been on her for the last 5 years
a lotta men from motherland
came up here hoping she say yeah
but she ain't down
wants somebody that can make her feel alive
chill every time she wanna cry
the one in a million type of guy
but her mom keeps telling her
"compromise, this ain't no fairy tale my child
do not waste your time
u'll regret u didn't say yes to this guy"
everyday is the same
like a battlefield
she gets the blame
bringing shame on the family name
just cuz the streets be babbling
like a Bedouin in a dessert storm
she lays low from all their songs
try to make 'em understand
but it's like talking to the wall
her desire's burning to change her ill state
it's strange - for the first time
in a long time ? she sees the light in the end

she brings the pain within your brain
y'all don't really wanna understand her thang
boo be really strong enough to maintain
thru your bullshit
it ain't nothing but pain
but she knows in the name of Fatimas hand
she don't go wrong
in the name of Fatimas hand
she will move on
hey hoping everything will be alright!!!

I see tears in everybody's eyes
But I don't understand why
Mama standing in the kitchen
preparing dinner while she cries
as the pain spreads inside
cuz something that's going on
denial of my first question
second time got no respond
to lose some one that had always been there
She always had my back
And she always did care
So with these lines right here
I wanna explain how much I love u
No matter what u do I will forever stay true
Until this day
Can't nobody tear us apart
10 years is past
But u are still living in my heart
truly no poetry can explain how much I miss ya
No matter where u are U will always be my sister

Con la mano de Fatima
sobre su alma encantadora
su camino es protegido
no importa cual escoga
y ella fue escogida
para verla y admirarla
en sus ojos tiene un algo
impecable es su retrato
y cada vez que pasa
lo duro se abl?ndese
la noche se agr?ndese
lo malo desvanece
no la olvidaran, la esperaran
al otro lado de esta vida
su amor alumbrara, su voz les cantara
en las memorias hay momentos de pasi?n
afecto y comprensi?n, retratos y recuerdos
dando vuelta en las fantas?as
su aura es alegr?a
lleva la mano de Fatima

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Other Outlandish song Lyrics
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    Damn, I don't know why they stress me out
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  • A Donkey Named Cheetah
    Damn, I don't know why they stress me out
    And they keep looking at me with them dark eyes
    I'm tired, give me room, let me breathe..."
  • Aicha (French Version)
    "Comme si je n'existais pas
    Elle est passee a cote de moi,
    Sans un regard, reine de Saba
    Voici, les perles , les bijoux..."
  • Aicha (French)
    "Comme si je n'existais pas
    Elle est passee a cote de moi,
    Sans un regard, reine de Saba
    Voici, les perles , les bijoux..."
  • Aicha
    "All of ya'll radios out there
    This song goes out to you
    Yeah, Aicha, for my sister, yo
  • Aisha
    "All of ya'll radios out there
    This song goes out to yo
    Yeah, Aicha, for my sister, ya
    So sweet, so beautiful..."
  • Baloch Nation
    "THIS IS NOT WRITTEN BY OUTLANDISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will reach my goal
    no one has control of my home country, dont front me
    fucking iranies sittin n chillin, no one is willin to help the children..."
  • Belly Dance
    You don't need anyone
    Anyone but me and my sheiks
    Anyone but me and my peeps..."

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