Outlandish - Life Is A Loom Lyrics

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Artist: Outlandish
Song Title: Life Is A Loom
Visits: 818
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Sometimes I mean you should just leave it to God
Coz in one way or the other we all puppets in this game
It's like
Life's a loom and the threads are the days
And only God decides when to cut them
Even though the job is unfinished
We're all by his mercy
Rapverse1 (Waqas)

U know I can recall when pops left home
He used to write us twice a year
We didn't have phone
I grew up on my own
My Mama cried often
I mean he didn't even show up when she passed away
She had a heart attack 'cause they said he got married again
Cut all ties with us 'cause he had a new family and friends
So I was expected to step up and be a man
Quit school got a job you know just be there for my family
You see I'm nothing like my pops I see my woman twice a year
And one day I'll bring her and my kid up here
You see that picture there
That's our wedding she was 21
Ain't she pretty and my first born was a son
And now she's pregnant again
Thank you
And if it's a girl I'll name her
Fatima, give her the world
U see my friend life is a loom
So you keep smiling like me
Oh is this where you get of?
50 bugs please


Life is a loom
Threads are the days
God decides when to cut them
Even though the work ain't done

Rapverse2 (Lenny)

Vamos! gente vamos pronto
Esta lleno el aeropuerto
Todo esta difuso
Tengo un sentimiento incierto
Es el d?a de su regreso
Ha estado encarcelado
Tiene un temperamento!
Y atenci?n yo no le he dado
Tuvo unos problemas
Nadie me ha contado
Nunca supe yo que mis palabras
Le han faltado
Ahora s? s? la importancia de ser padre
El m?o para m? fue un cobarde
Pero eso es punto aparte
Lo primero ser? un abrazo
Una lagrima, coraje y alegr?a
Un grito muy oculto
Remordimiento y agon?a


Come on! People hurry up
The airport it's replete
Everything is diffuse
I get an uncertain feeling
Today it's the day of his return
He's been in prison
He gets a bad temperament
And I didn't give him attention
Got himself into some problems
And nobody ever told me
I did never knew that my advices were missing
Now I know the importance of a father
My father to me he was a coward
But that's another story
The first thing will be a hug
A tear, madness and joy
A hidden scream
Remorse and agony


Rapverse3 (Isam)

I ain't going for the American dream
It's too fucking far
Can't swim across the Atlantic
Too many sharks
Put me down for the Euro instead
I will walk the Mediterranean
And "que pasa?!" in Spain
Don't give me that weird look hombre
I got my passport
Name Chris, born Swiss, in 1944 sport
Ain't no telling whut I'll do just to get up north
I'm tired of watching them young guns coming home building them floors
Rolling fast cars, but why?
On our streets there's no asphalt!
I'm stuck here, stressed trying to open this door
They'd be cashmoney, bling-bling in front of my boys
Playa hating? Ya damn right
I hate these mo'fuckers
Act like their lives' like glamour and shit
Flash their visa
While my city struggle like Gaza
I dream too about looking nice when I cross the border
And come back on a sunny day and tell my mamma: "I told ya!"
Who said anything about illegal gots to be dirty
Affirmative action, next year; a wife and a mansion


Believe in the moment and you will be here with me
Here with me
If God is willing

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Other Outlandish song Lyrics
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    Damn, I don't know why they stress me out
    And they keep looking at me with them dark eyes
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  • A Donkey Named Cheetah
    Damn, I don't know why they stress me out
    And they keep looking at me with them dark eyes
    I'm tired, give me room, let me breathe..."
  • Aicha (French Version)
    "Comme si je n'existais pas
    Elle est passee a cote de moi,
    Sans un regard, reine de Saba
    Voici, les perles , les bijoux..."
  • Aicha (French)
    "Comme si je n'existais pas
    Elle est passee a cote de moi,
    Sans un regard, reine de Saba
    Voici, les perles , les bijoux..."
  • Aicha
    "All of ya'll radios out there
    This song goes out to you
    Yeah, Aicha, for my sister, yo
  • Aisha
    "All of ya'll radios out there
    This song goes out to yo
    Yeah, Aicha, for my sister, ya
    So sweet, so beautiful..."
  • Baloch Nation
    "THIS IS NOT WRITTEN BY OUTLANDISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will reach my goal
    no one has control of my home country, dont front me
    fucking iranies sittin n chillin, no one is willin to help the children..."
  • Belly Dance
    You don't need anyone
    Anyone but me and my sheiks
    Anyone but me and my peeps..."

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