Outlandish - Pacific To Pacific Lyrics

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Artist: Outlandish
Song Title: Pacific To Pacific
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Pacific To Pacific
I see, world's in misery
I feel, all my enemies
I hear, the battle never dies
And I fear, you'll fly and leaving me here

Tell me gentle flower, can you give me power
to maintain severe pain in my heart I feel
so strong, I wonder why people got to suffer
singing songs of pain
the poison they shed runs deep in my veins
rest in peace Mother Theresa your struggles won't be forgotten
even in these rotten days they can't be denied that
dices are thrown kids, are born into greed
antoher land bleeds, people in need, generals yelling proceed (indeed)
more suffering to come ahead, I see people coming together fighting
for a pjece of dry bread, bullets spread, a dusin dead, what's next
This worlds hexed, time to wise up like Unicef
a question, will the poor man ever hit the jackpot
or will the rich man always rob him for what he's got
survival makes him sell his only daugther, happens all the time
but we just close our eyes

I see, world's in misery
I feel, all my enemies
I hear, the battle never dies
And I fear, you'll fly and leaving me here

Madre neustra! Las espaldas nos has dado
ella les responde, yo te di la vida, carifio y tu me has echo dano
no pensate el futuro
y ahora les concecuensias es que el aire que consumes, ya no esta tan puro
tu protecci?n se va esfugando, el aqua evaporando
que pasa no lo sabes, o no quires saber
y sique la pelea sobre quien tiene el poder
oh dios mio, padre nuestro que estas en los cielos
ayudame a vivir se oyen rezos
lloran sin sesar, quiren un perdon, pero el diablo se ha marchado
ya no tienen salvaci?n.

U and I
Are meant to be, meant to see
Rest of time, rest of life
Times moves on with all the light

I see, world's in misery
I feel, all my enemies
I hear, the battle never dies
And I fear, you'll fly and leaving me here

They say time is the great healer
but I see time passes by like the great stealer
I see the worlds most beautiful landscape,
growing up on landmines
life of another child
falling down for shaitan
folks going down 1 after 1, some losing legs
an endless marathon
once a year I keep my Ramadan
to remind me of your song
I try to feel along
but a mad storm
choking up the legacy
your fantasy, wife with the future kid
gone, like legends who fell in the run
Princess Di, Ghandi, Che Guevara - the Don!

U and I
Are meant to be, meant to see
Rest of time, rest of life
Times moves on with all the light

I see, world's in misery
I feel, all my enemies
I hear, the battle never dies
And I fear, you'll fly and leaving me here

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Other Outlandish song Lyrics
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    Damn, I don't know why they stress me out
    And they keep looking at me with them dark eyes
    I'm tired, give me room, let me breathe..."
  • A Donkey Named Cheetah
    Damn, I don't know why they stress me out
    And they keep looking at me with them dark eyes
    I'm tired, give me room, let me breathe..."
  • Aicha (French Version)
    "Comme si je n'existais pas
    Elle est passee a cote de moi,
    Sans un regard, reine de Saba
    Voici, les perles , les bijoux..."
  • Aicha (French)
    "Comme si je n'existais pas
    Elle est passee a cote de moi,
    Sans un regard, reine de Saba
    Voici, les perles , les bijoux..."
  • Aicha
    "All of ya'll radios out there
    This song goes out to you
    Yeah, Aicha, for my sister, yo
  • Aisha
    "All of ya'll radios out there
    This song goes out to yo
    Yeah, Aicha, for my sister, ya
    So sweet, so beautiful..."
  • Baloch Nation
    "THIS IS NOT WRITTEN BY OUTLANDISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will reach my goal
    no one has control of my home country, dont front me
    fucking iranies sittin n chillin, no one is willin to help the children..."
  • Belly Dance
    You don't need anyone
    Anyone but me and my sheiks
    Anyone but me and my peeps..."

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