Outspoken - Elastic Lyrics

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Artist: Outspoken
Song Title: Elastic
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 672
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I stood alone, pulled a dime from my pocket and wished
Making sure it hit the bottom of the well
But fruition never came
So I am taking back my wishes, I could be wrong
But this is another reason for an angry farewell
But I?m anxious for a change now

It seems no matter what you do
It seems no matter what you say
It seems however far away
I still keep running back to you

Stretched out, reached out all I can
I?m stretching out until the point I?m breaking
But you thought I?d never leave
Yet tomorrow may be another day, but the day
For no mistaking it could happen while you sleep

It seems no matter what you do
It seems no matter what you say
It seems however far away
I still keep running back to you

There?s room for changing, so I?m rearranging
Myself to be much better than what I am now
Yes, I?m addicted, and I admit it
So everything can be better than what it is now

So much better now

I stood alone, pulled a dime from my pocket and wished
Making sure it hit the bottom of the well
But fruition never came
So I am taking back my wishes, I could be wrong
But this is another reason for an angry farewell
But I?m anxious for a change now

It seems no matter what you do
It seems no matter what you say
It seems however far away
I still keep running back to you

It seems no matter what you do
It seems no matter what you say
It seems however far away
I still keep running back to you

Keep running back to you, I keep crawling back to you
I keep running back to you

Keep running back to you, I keep crawling back to you
I keep coming back, crawling back, crawling back to you

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Other Outspoken song Lyrics
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    I'll make your bitter shovels dig my grave
    I know you're out to try me, but remember this now
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  • Revolving
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    For a clue that I'm alive
    I'm like a goldfish swimming in a plugged in blender..."
  • Farther
    "Nobody ever told me
    how so completely
    out of control we
    can make our lives..."
  • A Question Alone
    "if i cry out to you will you hear me?
    if i fall on my knees will you lift me?
    can i fall in your arms, will you hold me?
    will you look at my face and smile at me?..."
  • David
    "oh God let your spirit fall on me,
    your perfect peace comes down and amazes me,
    it's like a dream or a vision inside of me,
    your perfect peace comes down and amazes me,..."
  • Falling Further
    "You said there would come a day you would leave
    Someday not so far away from here
    I'm falling further into your arms
    In love with You..."
  • Forevermore
    "break, these chains that bind me,
    take this world inside me,
    free me.
    break, these chains that bind me..."
  • Goodbye
    "i forgive all the lies, all the heartache you left me,
    all the times that i cried, all the joy you took from me.
    we were side by side for so long,
    somehow we lost our way,..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Bitter Shovel" album, click "Outspoken Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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