Ov7 - Angelica Lyrics

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Artist: Ov7
Song Title: Angelica
Visits: 1754
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Mi amor anglica
And I swear Anglica

Mi amor Anglica
You wear the sombrero now
And I swear Anglica
I'll be your caballero now

I don't know if this is my love
It's even now or never
Since I met you I stop dreaming of
Someone better than you

Shurely I'm in love
No doubt about it, oh no
But much to my surprise
It means nothing to you.

Mi amor Anglica
You wear the sombrero now
And I swear Anglica
I'll be your caballero now

Mi amor Anglica
Can't be a pistolero now
Like Don Juan, Anglica
I wanna be your lover now

I don't get it if this is my glory
To have you now or ever
But even now as you see me this way
I never knock on a locked door

Mi amor Anglica
You wear the sombrero now
And I swear Anglica
I'll be your caballero now

Mi amor Anglica
Can't be a pistolero now
Like don juan, Anglica
I wanna be your lover now

Just wanna be your lover now

Uh Anglica
I love you
I'll find another girl but not better than you, oh no
Oh this could be an unforgetable life,
Now I want you to know

Mi amor Anglica
You wear the sombrero now
And I swear Anglica
I'll be your caballero now

Mi amor Anglica
Can't be a pistolero now
Like don juan, Anglica
I wanna be your lover now

Now, and forever

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  • Amor Amor Amor
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    cuando se trata de amar...."
  • AtreVete
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    cuando se trata de amar...."
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    R?es soy tu prisionero tienes en tu manos mi respiraci?n
    R?bame, hasta el aliento
    M?tame, de un beso..."
  • ...Show All

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