Overcast - As a Whole Lyrics

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Artist: Overcast
Song Title: As a Whole
Visits: 643
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Heaven sent
To destroy anything and everyone that stands against my destiny
Save yourself
Turn away before the massacre
Keep your distance

Pretend we never met

I'm darker than the rest
The unholy, the sinner
Worthless to humanity
Compounding damnation upon damnation

I want it all
I'll take it all
I'll have it all
I'll take it all

I am life and death as a whole
I lurk among all of evil's shadows

I could give you new dimension
I could show you new direction
I could be your one dark obsession
Give you all the pain you ever dreamed of

Blasphemizing all I touch
Dredge of sight and sound
Searching out by all
Then scorned and prosecuted once found

I'll show you death
I'll give you new life
I'll drag you kicking and screaming
And screaming

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