Overground - This Is How We Do It (Feat Montell Jordan) Lyrics

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Artist: Overground
Song Title: This Is How We Do It (Feat Montell Jordan)
Visits: 666
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This is how we do it, it?s Friday night
Jungs seid ihr bereit
Lasst die ladys zu haus
Wenn ihr mit seid

So I reach for my 40 and I turn it up
Designated driver take the keys to my truck
Hit the shore 'cause I'm faded
Honeys in the street say, "Monty, yo we made it!"

It feels so good in my hood tonight
Halten dann am n?chsten club
Da geht die party richtig ab
Shake hands mit meinen boyz
Yo montell, do you fell alright

You gotta get your groove on, before you go get paid
So tip up your cup and throw your hands up

Komm schon und tanzt auf dem tisch

I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because
This is how we do it
Cuz Germany does it like nobody does
This is how we do it
To all my neighbours, you get much flava
This is how we do it
Let?s flip the track, bring the old school back
This is how we do it

This is how we do it, all hands are in the air
And wave them from here to there

Aber mehr als deine nummer w?re heute nicht fair
Denn heute rock ich mit den boyz
Diese nacht war f?llig und wir werden nichts bereuen
Blink, blinger, who got the keys to my beemer
Woah, das nenn ich ne show

Es ist wie im traum, alle leute sind gut drauf

That I gotta get mine in a big black truck
You can get yours in a '64

Was immer auch is, die party war echt high
Aber jetzt wird gepackt und dann ab in den truck

And let me hear the party say

I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because
This is how we do it
Cuz Germany does it like nobody does
This is how we do it
To all my neighbours, you get much flava
This is how we do it
Let?s flip the track, bring the old school back
This is how we do it

Once upon a time in '94
Montell made no money and life sure was slow
All they said was 6'8" he stood
And people thought the music that he made was good
There lived a D.J. and Paul was his name
He came up to Monty, this is what he said
You and OG are gonna make some cash
Sell a million records and we'll make in a dash

I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because
This is how we do it
Cuz Germany does it like nobody does
This is how we do it
To all my neighbours, you get much flava
This is how we do it
Let?s flip the track, bring the old school back
This is how we do it

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