Overtones Rustic - Hardest Way Possible Lyrics

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Artist: Overtones Rustic
Song Title: Hardest Way Possible
Visits: 577
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Another elephant grey sky and it's cold outside.
I've been a phantom with no place to hide.
Is my fortune searching for the love inside?
Or am I tortured, scorching 'cause I'm burning alive
I am small, but light gets in through cracks in these walls.
When I see you, I glow.
I glow like no one else can know.

It's so hard. It's the hardest by far.
Hardest way possible.
It's the hardest. It's the hardest by far.
The hardest way possible.

Won't be soon, I can't promise you,
But I promise you for good
you won't be trampled underfoot.
It's the hardest way to give,
It's the hardest way to take,
It's the hardest way to live for Christ sake.
So hard, but God heal these scars.
Take bleeding hearts out of bars
That drown away the hours drown away the hours
Getting to the bottom of it fast.
Swimming damn near the bottom of the glass.

It's so hard. It's the hardest by far.
Hardest way possible.
It's the hardest. It's the hardest by far.
The hardest way possible.

You can't and you and you stop
When every rung of the ladder is farther to drop
What is at stake now? What is not?
And what is not.

It's so hard. It's the hardest by far.
Hardest way possible.
It's the hardest. It's the hardest by far.
The hardest way possible.

It's the hardest way possible.
It's so hard.

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