Overtones Rustic - Valentines Day Massacre Lyrics

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Artist: Overtones Rustic
Song Title: Valentines Day Massacre
Visits: 563
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It was more than the blues, you slaughtered Valentine's Day
Why dont you send your pretty flowers to my grave?
Cause it was more than the blues, 'cause this is February
And high upon the roof I hear the rain
Tell me why is it necessary for
These winter months to make my bones so sore
Tell me why is it necessary for me
I got to feel the pain from the year before

It was a massacre on Valentines Day
Those blues wouldnt go away; those blues wouldnt go away
It was a massacre on Valentines Day
Those blues wouldnt go away; those blues wouldnt go away

Why dont you ask her of the massacre?
Im sure her face will tell it all.
Did you see my face on her picture wall when you were there?
And after there was laughter and her friends all threw a ball
While I cried all night in the bathroom stall
Now the chocolates melted wet
I saw Ms. Candy Heart with Mr. Cigarette
While the band played vulgar symphonettes
Thats when I tried to steal your heart again
But you looked just like the Jezebel
Flushed pink and red and you were drunk as hell.
Well, St. Valentines ring the holy bell
It looks like cupids arrow fell.

It was a massacre on Valentines Day
Those blues wouldnt go away; those blues wouldnt go away
It was a massacre on Valentines Day
Those blues wouldnt go away; those blues wouldnt go away

Some things take some time but I cant lag behind
Theres only fourteen days this month and then a day
But when spring comes, I never want to go out in the sun
Then I get the shakes around Labor Day
Some things take some time you know
Some things take some time you know
Some things take some time you know

It was a massacre on Valentines Day
Those blues wouldnt go away;

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    "one, two, check
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    check to the folks in the front
    if you can't hear me good enough, turn it up...."
  • Cmon
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    C'mon c'mon revolutionaries
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  • Combustible
    "That's not how you do it
    You turn it around
    Turn it around turn it around
    I can remember back when I got used to it..."
  • Crash Landing
    "An airplane crashed outside my house.
    The dogs barked loud.
    Turn the lights out.
    Don't let them see us move around...."
  • Dig
    "I live and I love and I give to the
    day I burn, I'll wait my turn
    for this I will sit in the classroom
    until I learn...."
  • Fake Face
    "looking out my window, I see all I need
    Though clouds may threaten rainy days
    The whisper of the wind, the whistle of the breeze
    I see blue sky far away, but they're not so far away..."

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