Oxide Neutrino - They Think Its Easy Lyrics

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Artist: Oxide Neutrino
Song Title: They Think Its Easy
Visits: 631
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they think its easy
to go on TV
do what i do each day
acting a certain way
could of lived a normal life
worked a job at nine till five
but i chose to entertain
so why the hell you hating me

You think it's easy and overnight we became
stars on TV
we put our backs into this hands dirty and our elbows greasy
school playground back in 96
put in to beat box wid jugal lyrics
in the corner with graffiti bricks
no lyrical content it was about being quick
school would finish i would rush home
take my mike plug it in to my stereo
record myself and listen back to me
MCing over beats on the radio
youth clubs it was to and throw
i even switched to DJ neutrino
i did this nearly every day just to help my skills grow

nine till five that worked for me,
ive tryed, ive flipped bugers in Mac d's
and a wearhouse at the top of my road
all day i stacked boxes with a twin knee
i could'nt stay focased mentally, coz all i wanted to do was MC
get up on a pirate radio to rock the airways and explode.

they think its easy
to go on TV
do what i do each day
acting a certain way
could of lived a normal life
worked a job at nine till five
but i chose to entertain
so why the hell you hating me

they think its easy
to go on TV
do what i do each day
acting a certain way
could of lived a normal life
worked a job at nine till five
but i chose to entertain
so why the hell you hating me

Then it started in 98 on a pirste station i thought was great
Supream fm 96.1 where we showed our skills to south of london
live a legend so solid
EDF for year was better then the best
cloud nine, channel club, colliseum
step by step what a long process
year 99 to like 103
mega, meeg and mr c
we worked so hard we worked non stop
we put transmitters on top of the block
we put aeirals on top of the block
from d - I on top of the block
in the pouring rain on top of the block
in the middle of the night on top of the block
rythm of the club we would storm to the front
hijack the mike and bust the place up
the crowd would go mad the crowd would go BO
casualty, dillema and oh no
ox ti dubz worked so hard
stepping casually out the back of a car
because every night we had to travel far
in a brick down escort, ford XR

so many things to do
knowing we make this through
tele radio interviews
late night photo shoots
do this like we aim
different venue, different place
different people, different name
oh oh oh oh
back then chicks playing hard to get, now a days they wanna bet
with only god knows when
i just cant pretend
i can see the changes, that are happeneing
back then we used to pay
nowadays they give em away
sponserships from left to right
just sign on the dotted line
everything is all good now
oh we made it now
but still you wanna put us down

they think its easy
to go on TV
do what i do each day
acting a certain way
could of lived a normal life
worked a job at nine till five
but i chose to entertain
so why the hell you hating me

they think its easy
to go on TV
do what i do each day
acting a certain way
could of lived a normal life
worked a job at nine till five
but i chose to entertain
so why the hell you hating me

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    And a unknown man person called g-man..."
  • No Good 4 Me
    "Bound for the bound bound, we're back again
    Oxide, Neutrino settin the trend
    This time I thought I'd bring in my friends
    Mega, Romeo, So solid that's them..."
  • No Good
    "Bound for the bound bound, we're back again
    Oxide, Neutrino settin the trend
    This time I thought I'd bring in my friends
    Mega, Romeo, So solid that's them..."
  • Only Wanna Know U Cos Ure Famous
    Only wanna know cos ure famous so
    And they see us on the tv, hear us on the radio
    They wanna get wiv we cos we're makin' G's..."

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