Ozzy Osbourne - Blue Monday Lyrics

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Artist: Ozzy Osbourne
Ozzy Osbourne Author
Song Title: Blue Monday
Visits: 606
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how does it feel
to treat me like you do
when you layed your hands upon me
and told me who you are

I thought I was mistaken
I thought I heard your words
but tell me how I feel
Tell me know how do I feel.

how does it feel
how should i feel
tell me how does it feel
to treat me like you do

those who came before me
lived through thier vacations
from the past until completion
they will turn away no more

I still find it so hard
to say what I need to say
but I'm quite sure that you'll tell me
just how I should feel today

I see a ship in the harbor
I can and shall obey
but if it wasnt for your misfortunes
I'd be a heavenly person to day

I thought I was mistaken
I thought I heard you speak
tell me how do i feel
tell me know how should i feel

Now I stand here waiting

i thought I told you to leave me
when I walked down to the beach
tell me how does it feel
when your heart grows cold

How does it feel
How should I feel
Tell me how does it feel
to treat me like you do

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    For they know not what they do
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    It seems it's nothing new..."
  • Steal Away (The Night)
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    Love will flow like wine tonight
    Give your love and it will come to you
    If you feel that you and me..."

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