Paddy Casey - Bend Down Low Lyrics

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Artist: Paddy Casey
Paddy Casey Author
Album: Living (2003)
Paddy Casey - Living Album
Song Title: Bend Down Low
Visits: 746
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Would you catch me when I fall?
Could you hear me when I call?
Could you smile upon my face?
And put right my disgrace.

Could you bend down low to me?
Soi can sing with thee

'Cause when your crying in the rain,no one else can feel your pain.
Whose gonna take you by the hand,try make you understand.
You feel like your left out In the cold,your story's so untold.
And whose gonna open up that door,a world you never seen before.

When You hurt so bad,and you feel so bad,Yeah..
'Cause you got the love that never dies

When You hurt so bad,and you feel so bad,Yeah..
'Cause you got the love that never dies,Never Dies....

In these days Instead of me,or someone I forgot to be.
And when my time is done,no more reaching for the sun.

Would you bend down low to me?
so i can sing with thee.
'Cause when your crying in the rain,no-one else can feel your pain.
And whos gonna take you by the hand,try and make you understand.
You feel like your left out in the cold,your story's so untold.
And whose gonna open up that door,a world you never seen before.

When You hurt so bad,and you feel so bad,Yeah..
'Cause you got the love that never dies

When You hurt so bad,and you feel so bad,Yeah..
'Cause you got the love that never dies,

When You hurt so bad,and you feel so bad,Yeah..
'Cause you got the love that never dies,that never dies....

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Other Paddy Casey song Lyrics
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  • Promised Land
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    well they all left just the way they came..."
  • Ancient Sorrow
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    When you were crying the wolves were at your door..."
  • Cant Take That Away
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    Don't try to make me hurry
    'Cos you know she'll always wait you see
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  • Downtown
    "Girl I'm glad that you're around
    Even if you are uptown
    I'm downtown, I'm downtown
    I know this city gets you down..."
  • Everybody Wants
    "And I said I want you, to want me
    Well I want you, to need me
    Cause everybody wants to feel needed some times
    Has the game changed, have the rules changed..."
  • Fear
    "I'm scared for my child, lord, for her mother
    For what you people wanna do to one another
    For the water, for the trees --
    Man, I'm scared of pollution, of disease..."
  • Its Over Now
    "Well it's all over now, and we both know why
    'Cause we burnt our bridges as we passed them by
    Yeah it's over now, and the dream is broken
    And all our bitter words, will have now been spoken..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Living" album, click "Paddy Casey Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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