Paddy Kelly - Movie Lyrics

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Artist: Paddy Kelly
Song Title: Movie
Visits: 743
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I was in a public toilet trying to take a
quick pee
this man standing next to me said
"I've seen you on TV,
can you please sign
this paper for my daughter Rosie
and smile while I
take a picture?"
a paparazzi man tried to make me understand
"this is how I make a living, I'm not even your fan"
after chasing me through town with a camera in each hand
tonight you'll be in
the paper

I feel like if I'm
in a movie
I feel like if I'm
in a movie

if you sell a million records you're
a celebrity
and get invited to all the parties of the VIP's
it's like swimming in a pool with sharks of
the M-industry
oh gosh what have
I gotten into
there's a negative and positive side to money and fame
and I'd be lieing if
I told you I haven't changed, I'm the same
yet the irony remains you can't get used to it or tamed
so smile when they take your picture

I feel like if
I'm in a movie
I feel like if
I'm in a movie
yeah,yeah, yeah
I'm in a movie
yeah,yeah, yeah
I'm in a movie
yeah, yeah, I'm in a

well I got a couple awards in my studio
back home
my manager and agent constantly on the phone
but what's the sense of all this if I wake
up alone?
"you got the leading part in this big picture"
I feel like if I'm
in a movie
I feel like if I'm
in a movie
I feel like if I'm
in a movie
I feel like if I'm
in a movie
yeah, yeah, yeah I'm
in a movie
yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm in a movie,
movie, movie
yeah, yeah, yeah I'm in a movie, I'm in a

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    then a man drove by offering candy..."
  • No Fuzz No Buzz Back To Rock N Roll
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  • Rain Of Roses
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    during your short life on earth
    you became a mirror of angelic purity
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  • Search For Truth
    "I denied the truth that was written in my heart
    I demanded proof before my faith could really start
    religion has its weaknesses when it's runned by man
    and man isn't perfect that took a while to understand..."
  • ...Show All

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