PAGAN LORN - Gone And Forgotten Lyrics

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Song Title: Gone And Forgotten
Visits: 648
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when time meets the end

names and deeds are forgotten

when time has buried all your memories

a soul looses its value

when living becomes surviving

when the forthcoming belongs to the past

you will kneel down

and pray to the horizon

to get a nightmare instead of reality

someone has given

and will take away

in a time of weakness

strength and discipline measure your life span

separating guilt from innocence

beyond help you face the truth

a triumphant procession into execution

combine your smile with honour

remember a day

different from the others

it is the day we will fade away brilliantly

then out of a sudden

through the lines of confusion

he breaks unharmed

unequal to everything

ever known

ever imagined

no one knows where he came from

or where he will go

this obscure


and blameless being

and for a last time

the old guard rises

to investigate

under the herois command

the dark stranger will

rip up your eyes

and blind you with your blindness

things are long done

your duty is to pay

for our faults

to die

but who cares

in the last hour

knowledge followed by decay is senseless anyway

in a rain of purification

a new belief is injected

existence is an arena

our death the sensation

acceptable perfection finally is reached

ride the passage with the brave

there will be no addition

while perishing

would you carry his honour

could you speak his name

will you accomplish the last order

filled with calculation

and glory

without regard

marching into a new area

while a black phoenix will overcome

any dream

and blathering

is imprisoned

in a mental cage

any weakness

any emotion

is sterilised

because acceptable perfection has been reached

the time has come to end this

the time has come to be gone and forgotten

to save lustless feelings of yours

someone has given

and will take away

in a time of weakness

strength and discipline measure your life-span

separating guilt from innocence

beyond help you face the truth

a triumphant procession into execution

combine your smile with honour

remember a day

different from the others

it is the day we will fade away brilliantly

he has disbanded another part of infinity

he will go on with the flow of another time

and while his spurs resound

and fill a dead world

one will know

he taught to die with a smile signifying nothing !

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Other PAGAN LORN song Lyrics
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  • Confidence in the Executioner
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    Second thoughts
    Compact thoughts
    No longer the one you were..."
  • Epitome
    "Lonely, lonely, lost and lonely
    Lonely, lonely, defeated, conquered and lonely
    Lonely, lonely, broken, burried and lonely
    No longer..."
  • Freezing Lust
    "With your pride
    You are spraying the souls
    Not for me
    And not for who I am...."
  • Impose
    "The cold comes
    Increasing my mind
    A vision getting clearer
  • ...Show All

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