PAGAN LORN - Impose Lyrics

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Song Title: Impose
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The cold comes
Increasing my mind
A vision getting clearer
Your beauty grows
Stunning my mind
Pureness will come
Impurity must go
My obsession
My offender
Could I die for you
My obsession
My offender
Let me freeze by your kiss of anger
Oh winter here you are
Oh winter long awaited cold
Hold my hand
Be my friend
Scare the day
Then take it away
Much to be
Nothing to see
Hold my hand
Be my friend
All these sinners
Stabbed by your coldness
Any lie will freeze my thoughts away
So refreshed by your cold in winter nights
Show me your other the warm side of yours
Burning in the hearts you left deranged
When your lips kiss me
For a single moment
Everything gets and looses its sense
Come and take this longing away
So visit every corner
Of my ill treated body
And taste my liquid
A man could give for you
I am your father
Your lover
Your son
Coldborn in the sorrow of night
December love
Let us become one
Diving into freezing lust
Hold my hand
Be my friend
Scare the day
Then take it away
Much to be
Nothing to see
Hold my hand
Be my friend
You end and re-start my life
With your mighty and cruel allies
The snow on your perfect beauty
The storm in your whispered words
The ice in your freezing blood
The cold in your crystal eyes
The mist covering your womanhood
The death in your blackened heart
You are more than any love
You make me smile
And rip it off
You kill me
And make me live
You take more than I can give
You show me that I am small
You will catch me if I should fall
You are the one to torture me
You are so good fo

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Other PAGAN LORN song Lyrics
  • Absent Minded
    "Some special things
    Let my thoughts freeze
    Let me feel not
    Wax on their face..."
  • Artless Treatment
    "Let my thoughts freeze
    Let me feel not
    Wax on their face
    What they hide behind..."
  • Collapsed
    "So many thoughts we have lost
    So many thoughts we have won
    Selecting the real ones
    Rejecting the false ones..."
  • Confidence In The Executioner (Share Nothing)
    "Lonely, lonely, lost and lonely
    Lonely, lonely, defeated, conquered and lonely
    Lonely, lonely, broken, burried and lonely
    No longer..."
  • Confidence in the Executioner
    "Used thoughts
    Second thoughts
    Compact thoughts
    No longer the one you were..."
  • Epitome
    "Lonely, lonely, lost and lonely
    Lonely, lonely, defeated, conquered and lonely
    Lonely, lonely, broken, burried and lonely
    No longer..."
  • Freezing Lust
    "With your pride
    You are spraying the souls
    Not for me
    And not for who I am...."
  • Gone And Forgotten
    "when time meets the end
    names and deeds are forgotten
    when time has buried all your memories
    a soul looses its value..."

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