PAGAN LORN - Unborn Lyrics

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Song Title: Unborn
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Midmost in the firestream
I live in an anxious way
Trying to give birth to
The child of my redemption
But too calm I am
Too unreal I feel
Constant alienation
Is the result of my abstinence
Once I was the cyclone - Once I was this god
Once I was the one - Screwing you around
Consuming your immunity - The truth in your lies
The sadness in your ecstasy
The love in your mouth
Once I was true - Once I was pure
Once I was you - Now just a duplicate of myself
Lives in your world
Hiding myself
Behind these words
Your blood still flows in me
Your love still lives in me
Your hand still covers me
Your pride I wanna be
Why does it matter now
It will end someday, somehow
This silence I can not bear
This dwelling I can not bear
This warfare of hellish rage
Walls of a remaining cage
Pieces of dust and respect
Hounting through my head
What is wrong with you
Are you sightless too
Tell me what to do
When I look at you
Give me your moon
To shine in my room
I have been dead for so long
That any sensation has gone
I know if I could
That I certainly would
Know what turns eternally
Into infernally
I am my end
I am the rock I will crack on
I am eternal without comeback
I am forever, no come back
And like a brave old soldier
I stand up and accept that
Someone capitulates for me
I accept your judgement over my difference
My childish eyes have turned into
Black holes a long time ago
My thoughts have turned into infliction
Many years before
But I know that time and
Knowledge belong together
Celebrating the prisoner
Now a cold fire burns
On a black moon
I accept your rules
I salute my end

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Other PAGAN LORN song Lyrics
  • Absent Minded
    "Some special things
    Let my thoughts freeze
    Let me feel not
    Wax on their face..."
  • Artless Treatment
    "Let my thoughts freeze
    Let me feel not
    Wax on their face
    What they hide behind..."
  • Collapsed
    "So many thoughts we have lost
    So many thoughts we have won
    Selecting the real ones
    Rejecting the false ones..."
  • Confidence In The Executioner (Share Nothing)
    "Lonely, lonely, lost and lonely
    Lonely, lonely, defeated, conquered and lonely
    Lonely, lonely, broken, burried and lonely
    No longer..."
  • Confidence in the Executioner
    "Used thoughts
    Second thoughts
    Compact thoughts
    No longer the one you were..."
  • Epitome
    "Lonely, lonely, lost and lonely
    Lonely, lonely, defeated, conquered and lonely
    Lonely, lonely, broken, burried and lonely
    No longer..."
  • Freezing Lust
    "With your pride
    You are spraying the souls
    Not for me
    And not for who I am...."
  • Gone And Forgotten
    "when time meets the end
    names and deeds are forgotten
    when time has buried all your memories
    a soul looses its value..."

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