Pain (American Band) - In A Band Lyrics

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Artist: Pain (American Band)
Song Title: In A Band
Visits: 676
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Growing up, I had it rough

Although I hated work it taught me just enough

To know there ain't no application for the job that I've been chasin'

And I'm looking for a diamond in the rough

And as it seems to me that if it was just a phase

It would've passed around eighteen (but it didn't

And I'm in it past the point of giving in-

So make your wages place your bets

And shut your mouths about regrets and how we're screwed)

You climb the rung, I'll keep my head

And I'll take all the crap you're giving me instead

"Cause we'll be driving to a show while you'll be working at the store

And checking out some lady buying Wonder Bread.

And as it seems to me that there are alot of cool jobs

But just a few that interest me

I never wanted to work inside a shop as a clerk

Or build my pension plan by being a company man

I want to be in a band,

I want to make the supply and then create the demand,

I want to be in a band,

My parents still don't understand

Just add it up, you'll see the crux

From all our arguments we've gathered just enough

To know we're quicker than a hare and smarter then the average bear

And just because itself is reason just enough

And as it seems to me that sheer volume of pay

Is not a gauge of self-esteem,

I never wanted to work inside a shop as a clerk

Or build my pension plan by being a company man,

I want to be in a band

We've got a penchant for fun and groove for everyone

I want to be in a band,

If you're concerned with the odds you'd better never begin

Veterinarian, garbage man or public speaking from a stand

Or pulling teeth or sweeping streets are all real cool

And need to be done,

But not, by me

I want to be in a band (black coffee and wrong turns)

I want to make the supply and create the demand

I want to be in a band (banned from all the big clubs)

Supply side economics fit to make you happy

Be in a band (beer, drinking, and mayhem)

We've got a penchant for fun and groove for everyone

I want to be in a band (bandanas and make-up)

My children still don't understand, yeah.

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