Pain (American Band) - Upright Lyrics

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Artist: Pain (American Band)
Song Title: Upright
Visits: 565
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The argonauts always intrigued me,

They typified every man:

Happy unless something popped up

That wasn't part of the plan

But there'd been no pretension of plans from the start,

So why did they go? Were they stupid and slow?

They were so cocky and sure at the start of the show...

But when the sails hung flat & the Argo just sat,

Or the rocks came crashin' or the water ran low,

When Hercules split, & Jason admitted that he didn't know where to go, he said:

You can whine until your mouth dries up,

Tou can hang your head and wonder why,

Tou can die, or you can stand upright

And never go down again

Sisyphus always intrigued me, he never decided to stop;

The point of it lay in the trying and not in attaining the top

Granted, he didn't have much of a choice,

But neither do you & neither do I, And neither did you & neither do I

And even Mr Moneybags on the hill has never stopped pushin' and he never quite will

We're not just here to see how hard we try

But the way we try & it ain't no lie

You can whine until your mouth dries up,

You can hang your head and wonder why,

You can die, or you can stand upright and never go down again

So I'm makin' up songs in my head

To the cadence of seams in the road;

Most of ?em suck, it kills time, though:

We've got a freakin' long way to go

But our hearts are strong & our minds intact

And we're never gonna stop, & that's a big, fat fact

A little cream in my coffee & a good CD,

Makin' everybody sing along with me:

You can whine until your mouth dries up,

You can hang your head and wonder why,

You can die, or you can stand upright and never go down again

And never go down again.

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