Pain Of Salvation - A Trace Of Blood Lyrics
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Pain Of Salvation Singer Lyrics
A Trace Of Blood Song Lyrics
Pain Of Salvation
Remedy Lane (2002)
Song Title:
A Trace Of Blood
Metal: Alternative
Print Version
Touching ground Going home to those I miss
Safe and sound Weeks of exile turn to bliss
But there's something in her voice When she' is calling me
A trace of to lead me
Trough roads of agony With bloodtaste in my mouth
And clouds before my eyes
I kneel beside the bed Where my bleeding dryad lies
Three young souls in misery
Hitting ground Nausea wakes me up at dawn
Hopes are found
Dissected, turned and then
A chair of steel and wire Her legs are open wide
Helpless in myself I stand there cold beside
The doctors stay away Leave us with this dismay
To see the colours of a miracle Fade and turn to grey
Then a cry and rivers of blood Flow so sadly
bringing you
Our dreams pour into a cold tray Two young souls in misery
Missing you
I never knew your name but I will miss you just the same
I was to live for you I lost the will to live at all the day you came
It'll never be the same but I will love you just the same
You were to be the first, how wonderful
Now I will always fear to hope again
The irony Of seeing me whispering through her skin
So joyfully To our child there deep within
Or of when she called to me To tell me cheerfully
That she had seen our shape On a hospital screen
And of nurses being concerned That you never moved or turned
Too late we see the warning Too late we learn
I never saw your face and now you're gone without a trace
Except the trace of blood that's deeply scarred into my eyes To fill your place
It'll never be the same but I will love you just the same
I was prepared to be your father How can I ever prepare for that again?
Still I follow that trace of blood Always leading back to you
Hollow years of damming that flood Two young souls in misery
Missing you... missing you...
A Trace Of Blood Lyrics
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Other Pain Of Salvation song Lyrics
Winning A War
"Once there was a world out on these fields, that was untouched.
Grateful for its love we thanked the earth that gave so much.
And oh, I loved it so!
Once there was a pair of eyes, unbroken just like my heart...."
People Passing By
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With smiles for protection.
Unable to see
behind the creature that he seems to be...."
Oblivion Ocean
"Sleep is too quiet
dreams are too painful
truth is the bed of this ocean of lies.
Sinking through layers of untouched oblivion..."
"stress watching beggars and bankers and rushing cars I'm drowning in this
It is strange - among all people I feel alone. Very strange - despite the
sun I'm cold to the bone!
If this is progress let me out!..."
"An eye for an eye.
A tear for a tear.
A lie for a lie.
The weak dress in hatred to hide their fear...."
To The End
"knew his pain.
"Time kills!" he whispered.
Grief need not her grave - nothing left to save.
She went up with the sunrise that day, planned her future as every day...."
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"When I was a little child, I once found a bird lying on the ground.
It would not ever fly again.
I held the bird up in my hands, I shed my tears over the lovely song that
not longer could be heard...."
"news so he's lost some faith, but still there are fire deep inside that he..."
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Pain Of Salvation Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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