Pain Of Salvation - Idioglossia Lyrics
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Idioglossia Song Lyrics
Pain Of Salvation
The Perfect Element (Part I) (2000)
Song Title:
Metal: Alternative
Print Version
It all comes back to me
Face to the floor
Heart in my mouth
My forehead hits the pavement
Again - numb - again
Sharing this humility
A circle of humanity
Momentarily black in me
Immomentarily black
So black
Memory leave me be
Close that eye leave love blind
When outcome is preceded
By an outlet that is needed
We forget all but the circle
As soon as the ends have met
As soon as the ends have met
I scratch the surface and see
Someone better than me
Where did I suffer that loss?
What was taken from me?
As I search through the ashes
For someone to blame
I'm afraid to see my face
As I walk through the ashes
I whisper your name
Meeting you have forced me
To meet myself
This blood proves me right
In that the last move is all that
Counts if the beasts must bite
Vow to the floor
Oath to the taste of dust
In my mouth - never!
I bite the words - never again!
Will I let anyone else finish
I'll be the end of every way
Memory let it die left behind
Leave me blind
Despite all these words
Not one could express
What I had inside
Living was to hide
Kneeling in whirlpools
Of pink champagne
Celebrating the bravery of my pain
Something broke
And no water could ever wash
The anger from that first stain
I scratched the surface to find
Someone wicked and blind
Where did it come to that end?
Why can't these scars ever mend?
I have swallowed all these tears
Thought they'd be gone
After all these years
Now this heart is waking up
With a new hunger
For my own blood
As I search through the ashes
For someone to blame
I'm afraid to see my face
As I walk through the ashes
I whisper your name
Meeting you have forced me
To meet myself
Face to the ground
Heart in their mouth Foreheads hit the pavement
Again - numb - again
Sharing my hostility
A streetful of insanity
This is payback for every
Tear in me, hole in me
Black in me - black!
Memory history agony
Let me see that hideous
Idioglossia that formed me
Despite all these words
Not one could express
What I had inside
Living was to hide
For every time you froze me out
For every punch every shout
For not believing in me
For your stupidity
For stealing what could have been
It all comes back to you
Is this all I am?
Idioglossia Lyrics
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Other Pain Of Salvation song Lyrics
Winning A War
"Once there was a world out on these fields, that was untouched.
Grateful for its love we thanked the earth that gave so much.
And oh, I loved it so!
Once there was a pair of eyes, unbroken just like my heart...."
People Passing By
"A September sun emerges through clouds, chasing across the sky.
With smiles for protection.
Unable to see
behind the creature that he seems to be...."
Oblivion Ocean
"Sleep is too quiet
dreams are too painful
truth is the bed of this ocean of lies.
Sinking through layers of untouched oblivion..."
"stress watching beggars and bankers and rushing cars I'm drowning in this
It is strange - among all people I feel alone. Very strange - despite the
sun I'm cold to the bone!
If this is progress let me out!..."
"An eye for an eye.
A tear for a tear.
A lie for a lie.
The weak dress in hatred to hide their fear...."
To The End
"knew his pain.
"Time kills!" he whispered.
Grief need not her grave - nothing left to save.
She went up with the sunrise that day, planned her future as every day...."
Never Learn to Fly
"When I was a little child, I once found a bird lying on the ground.
It would not ever fly again.
I held the bird up in my hands, I shed my tears over the lovely song that
not longer could be heard...."
"news so he's lost some faith, but still there are fire deep inside that he..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Perfect Element (Part I)" album, click "
Pain Of Salvation Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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