Pain Of Salvation - In The Flesh Lyrics
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Pain Of Salvation Singer Lyrics
In The Flesh Song Lyrics
Pain Of Salvation
The Perfect Element (Part I) (2000)
Song Title:
In The Flesh
Metal: Alternative
Print Version
She walks these empty streets alone
Hiding for something they call "home"
Hoping to find some peace of mind
Sometimes we need to walk alone
She is set on running away
Though her mom was yelling she must stay
A wind beaten bird for reasons unheard
Sometimes it is best to run away
So fly away, fly away, fly away
Don't be afraid, don't hesitate, fly away
Some wear their bruises on their skin
Others hide their scars deep within
She has a wound close to her womb
Blames herself for letting it in
So fly away, fly away, fly away
Don't be afraid, don't hesitate, fly away
But She's afraid, she's afraid, she's afraid
See those eyes, see those eyes, see those eyes
Hate and lies, a fire that slowly dies
But She will fly, she will fly, she will fly
Before it dies
Sometimes the hands that feed
Must feed a mind with a sick need
And the hands that clutch can be
The same hands that touch too much
Eyes that hungrily stare
Read in an access that's not there
While eyes close to hide tears
Or look away in fear
Run away!
Passing the open stores
Hiding her dirty sores
Seeking asylum among freaks and whores
What wouldn't she give to be in a society
Not learning the eyes to be closed but to see
Now she bites the words
She kicks the ground
Swallows her tears
"Never will I go back"
She hits the walls
"Leave me!"
Scratches herself
"Leave me!"
Begs to all Gods
"Rip me from this sick flesh!"
"I will always be there"
She holds her ears
"You know that I love you"
Pretends that she doesn't hear
"We're in this together"
"We share the same skin"
Panic in his voice now
"Free us from sin"
"Tell me that you love me"
This is the end
"I know that you do"
Of her way
Never ever again
Follow me down
"God forgive this hunger"
"Please mommy see"
"Never tell a soul"
"Is it me?"
A child will love its parents
Will follow them down
She swears to the pavement's heart of stone
That these city lights will be her home
But still as they burn she will return
Back to the adults. . . of her home.
In The Flesh Lyrics
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Other Pain Of Salvation song Lyrics
Winning A War
"Once there was a world out on these fields, that was untouched.
Grateful for its love we thanked the earth that gave so much.
And oh, I loved it so!
Once there was a pair of eyes, unbroken just like my heart...."
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behind the creature that he seems to be...."
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truth is the bed of this ocean of lies.
Sinking through layers of untouched oblivion..."
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It is strange - among all people I feel alone. Very strange - despite the
sun I'm cold to the bone!
If this is progress let me out!..."
"An eye for an eye.
A tear for a tear.
A lie for a lie.
The weak dress in hatred to hide their fear...."
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"knew his pain.
"Time kills!" he whispered.
Grief need not her grave - nothing left to save.
She went up with the sunrise that day, planned her future as every day...."
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"When I was a little child, I once found a bird lying on the ground.
It would not ever fly again.
I held the bird up in my hands, I shed my tears over the lovely song that
not longer could be heard...."
"news so he's lost some faith, but still there are fire deep inside that he..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Perfect Element (Part I)" album, click "
Pain Of Salvation Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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