Painful Memories - Memorial to Suffering Lyrics

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Artist: Painful Memories
Painful Memories Author
Album: Memorial To Suffering (Demo) (1996)
Painful Memories - Memorial To Suffering (Demo) Album
Song Title: Memorial to Suffering
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 684
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My Home is the Tomb
In the captivity of the Holy Land
I don't see a Light for ages
In the cramped caske
t I don't see the Sun and the sky
There is Realm of Death
Only demons talk with me here!
Way back don't be here, but in my cramped box
I was seized with the yearning!
I miss Light!
There is Realm of Death
I've wandered in other worlds
But my mind where slumbering
You have been filled with Lie!
Lie of mystical revelations!
I'm not saying good bye!
The Moon arises in the East! Why not!
Bearers of another life! Get out of my Cemetery.
The Eternal Incantation took me a prisoner.
I lie under the tombstone
Now I must give evil to the Earth!
Everything is unreal where I was to my death day
It's night now. It's my time.
There is moon shines. I'm waking up!
What do you seek strolling about the dark streets of my graveyard
What do You want flamingly to know
There is nothing except Emptiness!
Under the weight of the stones my bones rot for a million ages!
Under the weight of ages I languish, It's my fate!

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