Pallas - Ark of Infinity Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> P>> Pallas Singer Lyrics>> Ark of Infinity Song Lyrics
Artist: Pallas
Pallas Author
Album: The Sentinel (1984)
Pallas - The Sentinel Album
Song Title: Ark of Infinity
Genre: Rock: Hard-Rock
Visits: 694
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Contemplating hopes and dreams of a new age
All we leave behind is tainted by tears
Our tomorrows lie ahead there in the stars

Reaching for the stars in seven heavens
Into the haven of the night
Formations flying like Geese, we are free

Look on through space
Our backs to the sun
We stand at the window
Where all this began

Planet Earth is shrinking
A sapphire explodes
Our hearts heave a sigh
Now we've reached the crossroads

Onward through the night
Our hearts beat as one
Our journey's begun
to infinity

Though my eyes are open
it's only a dream
Now I'm looking upwards and so it seems
That the skies are filled with the
Strangest of birds


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