Pallas - Rise and Fall Lyrics

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Artist: Pallas
Pallas Author
Song Title: Rise and Fall
Visits: 661
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Domes of crystal, spires of light reach out
Symbols of attainment once aspired
A quest for knowledge fuelled by love of peace
People never burned by fired of war

The people of the East
Grew tired of peace
Now mistrust and fear
Are new to us here

Storm clouds gather
Mistrust turns to hate
A confrontation none could forsee
Machines of peace melt down for tools of war
One thousand years of peace destroyed

The people of the West
Though war they detest
Had nowhere to run
So the killing began

Three score and four years
Battle raged on high
Once proud and mighty
Prepare now to die
Destroyed by corruption
Pretention and greed
Atlantean achievements
Dispersed as dry seeds
Blown by the winds of change

Long fell the shadows
Across their land now bare
In ruins lay the towers
That crowned an island fair
Laid low in death throes
A race once true and right
Their power now their ruin
Their downfall their might

Narrator: Gathering together the treasures of
their wisdom and culture
The guardians constructed a vast computer
Protected by an awesome and terrible device
Shrouded in a silicate crystalline dome.

The Sentinel
The ultimate keeper of the Peace
Too late to save their own
Put there to guide a future race

Survivor: By my own hand, and the hands of others,
A nation on its knees
No brothers, sisters, friends, lovers,
No mountains, rivers, trees
Forgive us for we know not what we have done

Narrator: And storms raged over the barren wastelands
of the once fertile plains of Atlantis
And the sea crashed upon the shores
And the land crumbled upon itself
The vast dome, the only remaining structure
on the dying continent, shuddered and sank
slowly to the depths of the ocean...


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  • Atlantis
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  • Shock Treatment
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    The danger is spread from within..."
  • Ark of Infinity
    "Contemplating hopes and dreams of a new age
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    Our tomorrows lie ahead there in the stars
    Reaching for the stars in seven heavens..."
  • Dance Through the Fire
    "Hot coals, Hard nails, Walk to water, Grab the tiger's tail,
    Don't stop, Don't think, Dance your way around disaster's brink.
    Dance through the fire...
    Dance through the fire......"
  • Win or Lose
    "One more angry moment roars like thunder down the phone,
    A blast of hard emotion leaves me sitting here alone,
    What must I do--to get through to you?
    When you don't care......"
  • The Executioner Bernie Goetz A Gun
    "Cold night, New York,
    Air hangs like death,
    Last train to Brooklyn
    Pulls in out of breath..."

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