Palmer Robert - Hyperactive Lyrics

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Artist: Palmer Robert
Palmer Robert Author
Album: Live At The Apollo (2001)
Palmer Robert - Live At The Apollo Album
Song Title: Hyperactive
Genre: Rock
Visits: 567
Print Version

Shes got a date for lunch in Singapore,

Holds stock in I.B.M. and hates Dior.

She puts up her make-up on at 6.00am

She goes to work, gets home then puts it on again

And its a mystery how wild that girl can be;

Shes got so much energy;

Shes such an expert at surprising me.

Shes hyperactive when she starts to dance.

And shes so attracted to a wild romance,

And more effective than a stimulant -

Shes hyperactive.

Shes hyperactive when she starts to dance.

she never missed a beat or missed a chance,

And Im persuaded by her argument.

Shes hyperactive.

The other dancers hypervantilate and start to sweat.

One look at her - I know the nights not over yet.

She says Where are we going now?

Her voice is sweet and soft.

I think she lost the key that turns her motor off.

And its a mystery how wild that girl can be;

Shes got so much energy;

Shes such an expert at surprising me.

Shes hyperactive when she starts to dance.

She never missed a beat or missed a chance,

And Im persuaded by her argument.

Shes hyperactive.

Shes hyperactive when she starts to dance.

And shes so attracted to a wild romance,

And more effective than a stimulant -

Shes hyperactive.

And its a mystery how wild that girl can be;

Shes got do much energy;

Shes such an expert at suprising me.

Shes hyperactive when she starts to dance.

And shes so attracted to a wild romance,

And more effective than a stimulant -

Shes hyperactive.

Shes hyperactive when she starts to dance.

she never missed a beat or missed a chance,

And Im persuaded by her argument.

Shes hyperactive.

Shes hyperactive when she starts to dance.

She never missed a beat or missed a chance,

And more effective than a stimulant -

Shes hyperactive.

Shes hyperactive when she starts to dance.

She never missed a beat or missed a chance,

And more effective than a stimulant -

Shes hyperactive.

Hyperactive Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    I wanna mess around with you
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    Let's break some taboo..."
  • Happiness
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    Take a chance on happiness
    Odds are on your better half
    You'll be glad you placed the bet..."
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