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Simply Irresistible Song Lyrics
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How can it be permissible
She compromise my principle, yeah yeah
That kind of love is mythical
She's a slut
She's a craze you'd endorse, she's a powerful force
You're obliged to conform when there's no other course
She used to look good to me, but now I find her
Simply irresistible
Simply irresistible
Her loving is so powerful, huh
It's simply unavoidable
The trend is irreversible
The woman is invincible
She's a natural law, and she leaves me in awe
She deserves the applause, I surrender because
She used to look good to me, but now I find her
Simply irresistible
Simply irresistible
Simply irresistible She's so fine, there's no tellin' where
the money went
Simply irresistible She's all mine, there's no other way to
She's unavoidable, I'm backed against the wall
| Simply Irresistible Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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