Pam Mark Hall - The Agony and the Glory Lyrics

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Artist: Pam Mark Hall
Song Title: The Agony and the Glory
Visits: 681
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Would you make a wish tonight if you saw a falling star
Would you like for happiness to shower right down where you are
Could be the things we have to suffer become the way to find the other

Oh, we've got to live with the agony and the glory
With the pain and joy we can learn to rejoice and embrace both sides of the story
Not a single moment goes to waste if it works to make you holy
Let the Spirit have His way with you through the agony and the glory

When you say your prayers tonight, what will you ask the Lord to do
Do you want your pleasure now, or do you want His will for you
We can't escape from all the tensions, why not embrace His glory and them

Oh, we've got to live with the agony and the glory
Through the pain and joy we can learn to rejoice and embrace both sides of the story
Not a single moment goes to waste if it works to make you holy
Let the Spirit have His way with you through the agony and the glory

We give thanks for the sun, we give thanks for the rain
He is Lord of them all, all the joy and the pain

Oh, we've got to live with the agony and the glory
Through the pain and joy we can learn to rejoice and embrace both sides of the story
Not a single moment goes to waste if it works to make you holy
Let the Spirit have His way with you through the agony and the glory

Oh, we've got to live with the agony and the glory
Through the pain and joy we can learn to rejoice and embrace both sides of the story
Not a single moment goes to waste if it works to make you holy
Let the Spirit have His way with you through the agony and the glory

Oh, we've got to live with the agony and the glory
With the pain and joy we can learn to rejoice and embrace both sides o

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