Pandemonium - Twilight Symphony Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> P>> Pandemonium Singer Lyrics>> Twilight Symphony Song Lyrics
Artist: Pandemonium
Song Title: Twilight Symphony
Visits: 580
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The twilight darkness is growing in our souls

And the twilight symphony is playing thousands of tones

The tones that lead us to the eternal night

The night that makes us blind with all its might

I can feel the pain

Listening to the mourning of the lost

Confronting emotions cold as winter frost

When the glimmering stars are covering the sky

My dreams turn strong and I close my eyes

I start to fall into the mysteries of night

When I hear the symphony of the twilight

The tones of beauty and tones of pain

Blind my body, it is hopeless to explain

Twisted fantasies are coming down

When the tones of the night begin to drown

Listening to the twilight symphony

And feel the tones of an elegy

Forever confronting the sadness that the music brings

The cold nights have awoken me

But my soul is still asleep

Drifting by the wind

Followed by the twilight tones

The tones I always hear

Tones so full of misery

A reflection of a life

Empty and without lust

Listening to the twilight symphony

And feel the tones of an elegy

A requiem performed with lucid purity of blind emotions

Empty I feel when I listen to the twilight tones

Beauty and pain

Turning the pages

Infinity, chaos I will find

The twilight darkness is growing in our souls

And the twilight symphony is playing thousands of tones

The tones that lead us to the eternal night

The night that makes us blind with all its might

I can feel the pain

Listening to the mourning of the lost

Confronting emotions cold as winter frost.

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