Pandoras Box - Orginal Sin Lyrics

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Artist: Pandoras Box
Song Title: Orginal Sin
Visits: 706
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I've been looking for an original sin
One with a twist and a bit of a spin
And since I've done all the old ones
Till they've all been done in
Now I'm just looking
Then I'm gone with the wind
Endlessly searching for an original sin

You can dance forever
You got a fire in your feet
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough
You can fly and never land
And never need to sleep
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough

It's not enough to make the nightmares go away
It's not enough to make the tears run dry
It's not enough to live a little better every day
Everything that they taught usWas nothing but lies
Everything that they bought usWas nothing but bribes
But it'll all be over now

All I wanted was a piece of the night
I never got an equal share
When the stars are out of sightAnd the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight

All I needed was a spot in the light
It never had to get so dark
When the stars are out of sight
And the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight
The natives are so restless tonight

I've been looking for the ultimate crime
Infinite victims, infinitessimal time
And I'm so very guilty for no reason or rhyme
So now I'm just looking
And killing some time
Endlessly searching for the ultimate crime

You can lose yourself in pleasure
Till your body's going numb
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough
You can always take whatever
You conceivably could want
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough

It's not enough to make the nightmares go away
It's not enough to make the tears run dry
It's not enough to live a little better every day
Everything that they taught us
Was nothing but lies
Everything that they bought us
Was nothing but bribes
But the lies are over now

All I wanted was a piece of the night
I never got an equal share
When the stars are out of sight
And the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight

All I wanted was a spot in the light
It never had to get so dark
When the stars are out of sight
And the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight

I've been looking for an original sin
One with a twist and a bit of a spin
And since I've done all the old ones
Till they've all been done in
Now I'm just looking
Then I'm gone with the wind
Endlessly searching for an original sin

I'm applying for a license to thrill
Going out on the edge
Moving in for the kill
They'll be hell to pay someday
So put it all on the bill
Cause we'll always be paying
And paying until
We're beyond expiration
With a license to thrill

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