Pandoras Box - The Future Aint What It Used To Be Lyrics

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Artist: Pandoras Box
Song Title: The Future Aint What It Used To Be
Genre: Musicals
Visits: 743
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I never knew so many bad times
Could follow me so mercilessly
It's almost surreal
All the pain that I feel
The future ain't what it used to be

It doesn't matter what they're thinking
It doesn't matter what they're thinking of me
It's always so cold
I'm to young to be old
The future ain't what it used to be

Were there ever any stars in the sky
Did the sun ever shine so bright?
Do you have any dreams I could borrow
Just to get me through the lonely night?

Is there anything left to hold on to
When the rivers wash it all away?
Is there anyone left to hold on to
Is there anything left I can say?

Say a prayer for the falling angels
Stem the tide of the rising waters
Toll a bell for the broken hearted
Burn a torch for your sons and daughters
The endless night has got a hold of me
Dark days are pulling me forward
And all the tears are washing over me
I'm crying, lost forever
In a future that ain't what it used to be
No more no more no more

It's like a storm that's never ending
It's like a shadow on the land and the sea
There's nothing as sad as
A tomorrow gone bad
The future ain't what it used to be

Some days I feel so numb and empty
And those would be the good days for me
Nothing gets to me now
Unless I'm thinking of how
The future ain't what it used to be

Is there anything left to hold on to
When the rivers wash it all away?
Is there anyone left to hold on to
Is there anything left I can say?

Say a prayer for the falling angels
Stem the tide of the rising waters
Toll a bell for the broken hearted
Burn a torch for your sons

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