Pankow - Walpurgisnacht Lyrics

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Artist: Pankow
Pankow Author
Song Title: Walpurgisnacht
Visits: 776
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it's walpurgis night
it's walpurgis night
oh it's walpurgis night
tonight it's walpurgis night
a night of witches a damnation
a night of slavery and rage
oh walpurgis night
hey little man
you're helpless and forgotten
hey little man
you're drowning into sins
hey little man you're so far away from heven
you're so weak

the first lesson
is the first step
the first lesson
is the first step to hell...

history is the only teacher
history is the only good god
be a good god
come on baby be a good god
be a good god
come on baby be a cool cat
don't ever fall asleep
you're just a lousy lousy sinner
the challenge is so big
reality is so false
religion is oppression
religion is bloody ignorance
religion is oppression
religion is...
fight for power
beware of power
you've got to fight like an impotent
in this world of would-be stallions
you've got to fight like a loser
in this world of would-be winners
power is cancer
power is poison
power is greed
you're no longer man
you're no longer woman
you're torn apart
you're broken up in two
you're got painful wishes
and a double destiny...

be brave
be free
brave devil
free man
brave man
free devil
my free devil
my free man
the last lesson is
go your wild way
hey man you're going for a riot
hey man you're going for a miracle
hey man you're going for big crimes
hey man you're going for happy tears
hey man you're going for another riot
hey man you're going for a new miracle
hey man you're going for deadly crimes
hey man you're going for sad times
hey man you're going for a lot of mistakes

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