Pantera - Fucking Hostile Lyrics

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Artist: Pantera
Pantera Author
Album: Vulgar Display Of Power (1992)
Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power Album
Song Title: Fucking Hostile
Genre: Metal
Visits: 612
Print Version

Almost every day, i see the same face
on broken picture tube, it fits the attitude.
If you could see yourself, you put you on a shelf
your verbal masturbate, promise to nauseate.
Today I'll play the part of non-parent,
not make a hundred rules for you to know about yourself.
Not lie and make you believe what's evil is making love,
making friends and meeting God your own way ...the right way.

To see, to bleed cannot be taught
In turn, you're making us
Fucking Hostile

We stand alone,
the truth in right and wrong, the boundaries of the law,
you seem to miss the point, arresting for a joint?
You seem to wonder why hundreds of people die,
you're writing tickets man, my mom got jumped they ran!
Now I'll play a public servant,
to serve and protect by the Law and the State.
I'd bust the punks that rape steal and murder
and leave you be, if you crossed me.
I'd shake your hand like a man, not a God!


Come meet your maker boy, somethings you can't enjoy.
Because of Heaven/Hell, a fucking wive's tale.
They put it in your head, then put you in your bed.
He's watching - say your prayers.
'cause God is everywhere.
Now I'll play a man learning priesthood,
who's about to take the ultimate test in life.
I'd question things because I am human,
and call no one my father who's no closer than a stranger.
I won't listen !!


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