Pantheist - O Solitude Lyrics

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Artist: Pantheist
Pantheist Author
Album: O Solitude (2003)
Pantheist - O Solitude Album
Song Title: O Solitude
Genre: Metal: Doom
Visits: 671
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O, how it hurts

The sting of solitude!

I'm quenching on my own

My solitude is going to kill me

O, how they tighten

The ropes around my neck!

What have I done to myself?

From this self-made hell

Who is going to save me?

As I'm laying here

With my eyes closed

I can see you smiling, drowning in joy

I reach out my arms; beg to touch your face

But you stand there motionless

Waving from the other side

Childhood memories: tears of happiness in my eyes

Sitting in the middle of a crowded room

Around me joyous faces -those who loved me

They are all here for me -I'm the pride of the room

Beautiful paintings on the walls

Someone throws a match into the fireside...

Where are they now? Please, tell me!

As this pain cuts me in two

And nobody is here to heal my open wounds

Alone I am dying, alone I am crying

I pray for time to come and take

The remains of what seems to have been me...

Even the shadows of time have abandoned me

They left terrified by the empty look

On my scarred face

Time has forgotten me

I'm getting older every day but I never die

"The time has come to end your life:say a last goodbye to the world"

"I can't do such a thing"

"What are you waiting for? The world doesn't need you. Die like a honourable man"

"NEVER! I shall live and learn to bear this damned pain!"

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Other Pantheist song Lyrics
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  • Lust
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  • Liefde Voor Niemand
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    want het gevoel dat jou zo deed lijden, was de liefde voor niemand
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    zo zacht, sidderend zacht dat slechts de herinnering overblijft..."
  • 1000 years
    "1000 years of solitude
    1000 years of pain
    hardened my heart
    fed my poor soul with misery..."
  • Curse The Morning Light
    "From a crack on my sealed window enters a ray of light
    It falls down at the foot end of the bed
    I curse you morning light, spot on my solitude
    No one here to mourn with me the loss of hope in this life..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "O Solitude" album, click "Pantheist Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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