Paolo Conte - The Yellow Dog Lyrics

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Artist: Paolo Conte
Paolo Conte Author
Song Title: The Yellow Dog
Visits: 587
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Jazz was a yellow dog
Walking m a red town, black town
Jazz was a yellow dog
Walking in a red town, black town
There youre in a misty wagon
Invisible man

If you are a jazz man
If you are a jazz man
You are walkin here
You are waikin here
As a yellow dog you are
Walkin here

Cest un wagon de brouillard le jazz, oui, oui, oui.
Et vous tes un chien jaune, un chien jaune
A yellow dog waikin in a red town,
black town, blue town.

Jazz was a yellow dog mournin my red town
Jazz was a yellow dog walkin in a red town,
black town.

There youre in a misty wagon, invisible man

Huhm... invisible man

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