Papa Roach - Thrown Away Lyrics
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Papa Roach Singer Lyrics
Thrown Away Song Lyrics
Papa Roach
Infest (2000)
Song Title:
Thrown Away
Rock: Alternative
Print Version
I am a mess
I've made a huge mess
I can't control myself
I kill the rhyme again
I'm coming sick and on time again
Words manifest from deep inside where people hide within
It's chemical unbalanced on the triple beam, what?
Fuck what you heard it's about what I seen
I seen it happen back hand brand to face smackin
Definite disorder now his mindset is blackened
The doctors say he got the brain of a murderer
This rugged style steals your brain
My heart is bleeding and this pain will not pass
It's not receding and my body's going numb
A bad trip child rolling stoned keeping high
He don't know what he's doing he just keep getting by
Thrown away
I want to be thrown away
He's born sick nothing in his hands but his dick
He couldn't handle pressure he couldn't handle shit
For the life he was leading led him down the wrong path
Where guns blast don't give a shit about the gods wrath
Don't want to talk to the counselor Doctor
To tell'em what real to tell'em what's proper
The situations unclear like gray and I know it gets worse everyday
My heart is bleeding and this pain will not pass
t's not receding and my body's going numb
A bad trip child rolling stoned keeping high
He don't know what he's doing he just keep getting by way
Thrown away
I want to be thrown away
I am a mess I've made a huge mess I can't control myself
I'm losing it I've lost it I've spilt all my marbles
cause I see you inside of me sometimes I want to be thrown away
cause I see you inside of me sometimes I want to be thrown away
a hyper spaz and that is me sometimes I want to be thrown away
Thrown Away! Thrown Away! Thrown Away! Thrown Away!
Thrown Away! Thrown Away! Thrown Away! Thrown Away!
Voices in my head, voices in my head
Don't tell me to do it cause I will, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Don't tell me to do it cause I will, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Last Remain! Last Remain! Last Remain
Thrown Away Lyrics
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Other Papa Roach song Lyrics
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"My mind has been shut down
My friends have been let down
What is the reason
There's millions of reasons..."
Time And Time Again
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It doesn't matter if I am your best friend
I don't think so
You're not that smart..."
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I could say goodbye to you
it's hard to deal with you dying
it's time to say goodbye to you..."
Decompression Period
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Hurry up and wait
I'm never there for you or me
Can't you read the story of our lives..."
Born With Nothing Die With Everything
Sick and twisted
One-man army..."
She Loves Me Not
"When I see her eyes look into my eyes
Then I realize that she can see inside my head
So I close my eyes thinking that I could hide
Just associate so I don't have to lose my head..."
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"Blood of my blood
Skin of my skin
A normal human being
Solder and wires..."
Black Clouds
"This is making me crazy
These black clouds following me
So I look for signs of light
But rarely I see them..."
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Papa Roach Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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