Papas Fritas - Possibilities Lyrics

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Artist: Papas Fritas
Song Title: Possibilities
Visits: 551
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There he was a thanker and I was at work
Time I thought about eating muscle is the time I felt like a jerk
Now that's a dude who'll tell you "We could build a car"
Where backseats are for driving and frontseats are for stars

You've got a lot to learn about me
You've got a lot to learn about Possibilities

So here we are at showtime and I'm throwing up the walls
Climbing over bridges so we can jump the falls
Now what good would it do you if I could get to Newark?
Chances are you're new here cause you're still buying free beer

You've got a shadow I can't see
You thought of one and then found three
You've got a lot to learn about

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Other Papas Fritas song Lyrics
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    Pulling smoke through soda cans
    So who's the people with the peepholes in their smiles
    Think I'll skip the party and stay inside..."
  • Explain
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    Blinded by their eyes
    And I don't want to be here
    Right now, I don't explain..."
  • Guys Dont Lie
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    Twenty, twenty more reasons to swoon
    And gently, there's plenty of room
    It's something you won't ever lose..."
  • Hey Hey You Say
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    Who called the hearse?
    Who took the chance?
    Who wants to dance?..."
  • Holiday
    "Nine to five and I'm going out of my mind
    You know what I mean
    Staring down the streetlights
    Watching all the uptights..."
  • Kids Dont Mind
    "Kids don't mind if you're out there, if you're out there
    Down and gone and gone again
    Down and gone again
    Kids don't mind, if you're in time, from the outset..."
  • Lame to Be
    "Maybe I'm not lame
    And maybe I'm not lame
    Time won't hold my name
    I just signed it away..."
  • Live By The Water
    "We've been living in the city such a long time
    Maybe we should live by the water
    I'll shape up and you'll fill out and we could buy a house
    Maybe even have us a daughter..."

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