Paperboys - Fly Away (The Great Escape) Lyrics

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Artist: Paperboys
Paperboys Author
Song Title: Fly Away (The Great Escape)
Visits: 612
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Sometimes I wanna disappear
and I?m like anywhere but here
feel like all these years has been spent in the wrong hemisphere
but I hold memories near so I can picture
palm trees, calm seas, letting the breeze hit you
it?s almost like jesus was with you so peaceful
?big red? feeding my scriptures
no people, see no evil, nonoisy violence
rather enjoy the silence at bongoyo island
smiling while watching water
as I hear the waves break man im straight
just what the doctor ordered
I?m feeling safe and warm a replacement away from harm
it?s like I taste gods grace and charm

I?m trying to get out I?m trying to fly away
I?m tired / so tired / I?m tired baby I need to fly away
I?m trying to get out I?m trying to fly away I?m tired, so tired
I?m tired baby I need to fly away
run away and dont look back -no past- no worries
heading for the future
but where is kind of blurry right now
but ima do what i got to do

shit I hope to find me some peace someday
I lay awake trying to find me some sun rays
but hey it?s grey and it stays that way
so ain?t shit for me to do but getting haze to blaze
it?s like I?m fit to be the fool
but I maintain stick to the rules
just looking for some knowledge a house with a pool something solid
I?m tired of being an alcoholic
tired of all this, tired of coping my disorders
I?m cutting corners even tough I?m sure
this is all I my mind guess I?m the norm
scared of falling behind
but what the fuck is this we follow so blind
yo god I need to borrow some time I?m real tired

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