Papia - days Lyrics

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Artist: Papia
Song Title: days
Visits: 663
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Remember those days?
the days when we would laugh together
cry together, hold each other.
If one would let go,
we would both fall apart.
They aren't vivid at all.

I remember how you used to comfort me,
when i was upset.
I remember when you told me jokes..
when i was about to die.
I felt like i was going to commit suicide
but you were there to help me through it all.

Thankyou for everything you have done,
you've made me a better persen.
You lifted the world with your smile.
You were so into beautiful things..
things that no other guy would admit.
You loved the outdoors,
you thought they were beautiful.
You helped us all when we needed someone,
now we wanted to help you, pay you back.

Now its to late,
all is lost,
you were found,
half mile away.
lying there
your mother..
she was crazy,
she couldnt
find you.

None of us knew what to do,
we were going insain.
They found you,
They brought you back,
you were going through so much pain,
it was unreal.
You are the tuffest persen i ever have met,
noone would be this strong,
i understand you had to let go,
it was for the better.
I know your heart was to good,
you were wonderful,
i love you.

days Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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