Paradigma - Journeys End Lyrics

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Artist: Paradigma
Song Title: Journeys End
Genre: Rock
Visits: 652
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O' dreamy whisperer, o' serene wind
Traverse through me and bring close to my kin
Into the tree so the mountain may sing
Ashes are flowers, my fountain to spring

Gather old stones as my soul is set free
Lay them in nests of all infinity
Steep hills through crypts and the halls I can see
Fairies in wind hear me, I summon thee

Fairies in wind, hear me calling
Let the flood begin, as my chanting
Unites mud moss and star
The grim ones dance in the blood
Of the ancient lore that's lost
Stride upon bright air like an angel
Virgin without fear, nature compels
Me to cut the thread, vis of yonder
Allures me with ancientry lustrum

Fairies, heave me...
As I chant the circling rime...

Conjure the fires from deepest waters
Passionately dance into forest blessed
Lust for the misty mazes and you'll find
Dusk is dawn as your realm is the divine

Urios guides my way as I fly
Growing zygote through Tirana of life
During Alagas a Ruach to be
Shaped as a raven in prodigy
I wend in wind and I will be a

Fairy in wind, gleeful creature
Find a thrawn queen in the terre verte
Unite mud moss and star
And the seared ones dance in the blood
Of the ancient lore once lost
The spiral unwinds, lurid it shines
The Ancient of days reveals the
Sparkling gift of Mantiens

Fairies calling
Chanting aphrodisiac
Untied, a thrawn king
Flies through the zodiac

Immortalise through affectation
Drink your blood poured in the grail
Journey through the deepest spirals
Into nature's inner veil
Use your powers to experience
Life and death, your soul's ordeal
Seek the faries and the ravens
While your mind is still unse

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Other Paradigma song Lyrics
  • Best Regards (Astral version)
    "As I lie here, knowing I will
    No one can do anything but to wait
    As I slowly wither from within
    Soon I won't be able to move..."
  • Half
    "...The soughing of the wind
    The thunder of the avalanches
    The roar of the waterfalls
    The howling of the wolves......"
  • Witch Hunt
    "Behold, the sky is falling down
    As twilight descends
    Shattered rays still filter through
    As the veil of darkness unfolds..."
  • Agonized
    "It's never me, it's never you
    When will they say it's overdue
    I know we'll fall when love is all
    Just imagery a memory..."
  • Come Winter (The Skadi Interpretation)
    "...The soughing of the wind
    The thunder of the avalanches
    The roar of the waterfalls
    The howling of the wolves......"
  • Come Winter
    "As I lie here, knowing I will
    No one can do anything but to wait
    As I slowly wither from within
    Soon I won't be able to move..."
  • Best Regards
    "A vision through a moonstill water
    The story of a long lost child
    Inside this gruesome blackness
    This massive hole of emptiness..."
  • Inner Chanting
    "I died mentally but my body lives on
    Half a life I lead as I linger on
    Sorrow I breed and sorrow I feed
    Half a death I suffer as I try to withdraw..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Mare Veris" album, click "Paradigma Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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