Paradise Lost - Internal Torment 2 Lyrics

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Artist: Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost Author
Song Title: Internal Torment 2
Visits: 660
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1) As you stare into the depths of darkness
Illusions of your mind pressured by horror
Standing on a plain of desolation
The streams of frozen mist are shattered by the sun
Travel through the uncaring skies
Prepare for this defeat
Once you're dead your eyes are shut forever
Is it just the darkness that greets our please?

(2) Trapped in my skull, sanities locked inside
Can't express my feelings, the pain I must hide
My body possessed by an unseen force
Crippled for life
As I try to speak my voice...
No physical pain you will feel
Is this mental insanity real?

No future an obscenity
Why was I chosen to suffer?
Hoping I wake up and the curse has left my soul

(3) Attempts at spech are drowned in laughter
I writhe and grit my teeth in anger... why...?
Not allowed to make decisions
If only I could tell them all
I can think

(4) In my afterlife, I'll rise again
Destroy all the the ones who laughed
Kill them all...
Able to think, flex my limbs, talk and socialise, live my life
(Repeat chorus + verse 3

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  • Gothic
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  • Mortals Watch the Day
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    Have I madness in my eyes?..."
  • Eternal
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    The time must come for us to leave here
    Emotion has withered away
    Out burnt out love has decayed..."
  • Joys Of The Emptiness
    "Breathing here, and the air is clear
    Changes of which I could foresee
    Violence caressing, impending distress
    As my body lay sleeping, enternally bleeding, and......"
  • As I Die
    "As I die
    Stare as eyes uphold me
    And wait to see right through
    And curse me... The love has crippled you..."
  • True Belief
    "Wretched will, host of pleasure surreal
    Closed the room where the last is buried
    Rise or fall at your master's request
    You're unable to accept redemption..."

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