Paradox - The Burning Lyrics

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Artist: Paradox
Paradox Author
Album: Heresy (1989)
Paradox - Heresy Album
Song Title: The Burning
Genre: Rock
Visits: 693
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[How the crusaders burnt the Cathars as punishment for their so called heretic beliefs]

Watch the final scene

At the Bucher or the stake

Gonna build a tower to bum

Torch, a flaming brand, a pyre blazing scourge

Heretics Clad in flames die in silence

It is no doubt the right way

The perfect way to go

An end to this damn heresy

An end to this damn war

Crowds watch and wait the spectacle unfolds

Orgasmic in intensity their hate

Look, feel the power as flash begins to char

Die now and speak your useless prayers

Yell for forgiveness

Grovel in your shame

You'll find that your protector

Won't save you from the flames

Your vision of a brand new day

Was ravaged by the war

Fire is your just reward

Ignominy your fate

Flames shall feed the fire

Flames shall purify

The church of Rome has issued this decree

Flames destroy the works

Flames destroy the liars

Fire destroy the heresy we fear

The heresy we fear

So, if you don't see it our way this is what you get

War and flaming towers as reward

So renounce your teachings

Come back into the fold

The choice you have peace or holy war

It is no doubt the right way

The perfect way to go

An end to this damn heresy

An end to this damn war

Burn if you desire

Burn this very day

We have a thousand torches

To help you on your way

Burn if you desire

Burn in silent rite

Your heretics beliefs could even save you all

Could even save you all

Heresy was to blame

For lives lost in the fire

The holy church in shame

For its part in the history of the burning

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    Torn by anarchy
    Heretics burned for their derision of the holy See
    Seven hundred years on..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Heresy" album, click "Paradox Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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