Paralamas Do Sucesso - Alagados Lyrics

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Artist: Paralamas Do Sucesso
Song Title: Alagados
Visits: 725
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Pay the deadly price
Lift the fallen prize
Told you soon will die
Sin that sails alight
Carry ungodly crimes
Travelling out of reach
Taking the weight of the night upon my back
You cannot believe the pain that I've seen
Crawling out of life my fire is strong
Can it be, I can't go on
I'm hurt now, don't turn your back
Changing ways, events prolong
Hidden by the mist, insinuate what's gone
Your hand in mine
We'll reach the sign of plains above us
Your hand in mine
Unholy times of pain relentless
Forced to watch not eagerly
Breaking hearts with words and all ecstasy
Your hand in mine
Reveal all life, uphold all others
Your hand in mine
Are you alive, with flames of sadness
[Your hand in mine
We'll reach the sign of plains above us
Your hand in mine
Unholy times of pain relentless]

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  • Cuide Bem Do Seu Amor
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    No momento em que eu queria ver
    O segundo que antecede o beijo
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  • Culos
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  • ...Show All

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